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issued under Sub-section (1), shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.

23. Power to apply provisions of the Act to shells of fish.-

The Government may, by notification in the Gazette, apply the provisions of this Act to shells of fish, if, in their opinion, it is desirable to prohibit or regulate the collection of the same from any water.

Explanation:- For purposes of this section, the word 'water includes the sea within a distance of one marine league of the sea coast.

23A. Recovery of rents, fees etc. on account of fishing leases and licenses.-

All rents, fees and other moneys payable to local authority on account of fishing leases and licenses granted by it shall be recovered in like manner as if they were arrears of land revenue.

24. Repeal.-

The Travancore Fisheries Act, XI of 1097 and the Cochin Fisheries Act, III of 1092 are hereby repealed:

Provided that all licenses granted under the said Acts shall continue in force for the periods for which the same have been granted subject to the provisions of the said Acts.


Rules regulating fishing in the Kundale lake in Sethuparvathipuram reservoir.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4(1) and Section 18 of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act, 1950 (XXIV of 1950) Government are pleased to make the following rules regulating the fishing in the Kundale lake in Sethuparvathipuram Reservoirs.

1. The Executive Engineer, Generation Division, Chitirapuram, under whose control the Kundale Dam works are placed, may grant permission to applicants for fishing in the Kundale lake or may cancel the permission given to anybody for fishing in the said lake.

2. Any visitor, bonafied tourist and staff members of any company operating in the Devicolam taluk may apply for permission to fish in the taluk. No person without permission shall fish in the lake.

3. Fishing shall be with rod and line only. Normally this should be with the artificial fly on a single hook but trolling and spinning the artificial minnow may be permitted. No netting or any other form of fishing shall be allowed.

4. Six rods will be allowed for fishing at any one time.

5. All fish retained must be killed at the waterside.

6. Boats required for the purpose will ordinarily have to be provided at fisher's own cost. The Electricity Department's boats, if any available, will be give on hire at the rates fixed from time to time.

7. Fishing boats shall not be permitted to go within 100 ft. distance of the Dam itself.

8. Three water wardens will be appointed to ensure that the rules are strictly adhered to. For the present, they shall be (1) the Executive Engineer, Generation Division, Chitirapuram, (2) the Chairman of the High Range Angling Association, and (3) the Manager of the Yellappatty or Chittavurrai Estate as nominated by the General Manager of the K.D.H.P.Co., Ltd.

9. A fishing permit will be given to every person who has been permitted to fish in the locality by the Executive Engineer. Generation Division, on application, or by the General Manager of the K.D.H.P.Co., Ltd. or by the Chairman of the High Range Angling Association. A statement of the

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ permits issued and fees Collected by the latter two shall be sent to the Executive Engineer, General Division, every month. The Executive Engineer will be at liberty to refuse permission to any person without assigning reasons therefor.

10. The number of fish caught and their weight shall be notified to the Officer-in-charge, Kunadale Dam, at least once a month. Members introducing visitors are responsible for submitting their returns.

11. Permission of the water warden should be asked for before fishing in the Water to avoid over-crowding and disappointment. Any person who has not conformed to this rule must give may to another who has done so if the occasion arises.

12. The normal fee for fishing in the lake shall be Rupee.1 per person per day payable in advance. An annual membership for fishing also could be obtained on payment of a fee of Rs.30. Permission on a block membership basis shall be given to the High Range Angling Association or such other recognised Associations, on payment of an annual fee of Rupees. 120 provided not more then four members shall fish at a time in the lake.

13. The amounts collected by way of subscriptions etc., shall be credited to Miscellaneous Revenue of the Electricity Department.

Rules prohibiting the Use of Kochumattu

Notification No.Fd. 13/7678/54/Fc.D. dated 5th April 1955, published in the Gazette dated 5-4-1955, part Page 451.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act, 1950 (XXXIV of 1950) Government hereby make the following rules namely:-

Fishing by using "Kochumattu' or otherwise known as Ayiremchoonda in the waters within a distance of 1 mile from the seashore is strictly prohibited.

Rules Prohibiting Use of Paithuvala

Notification No.Fd.13/6092/53/Fd.D.dated 5th April 1955, published in the Gazette dated 5-4-1955, Part | Page 451.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act, 1950 (XXXIV of 1950) Government hereby make the following rules namely:-

Fishing by using "Paithuvala' in the backwater within 15 chains on both sides of Vendaruthy Rail Road Bridge and Palluruthy Road Bridge is strictly prohibited.

Rules prohibiting the use of "Othukkuvala"

Notification No.Fd.13/8120/54/Fc.D. dated 31st May 1955, Published in the Gazette dated 7th June 1955, Part | Page 658.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act, 1950 (XXXIV of 1950) Government hereby make the following rule, namely:-

Fishing by the use of "Othukkuvala" with padals in the State waters is strictly prohibited, "except as hereinafter provided": -

Fishing by the use of Othukuvala with padals not exceeding 30 feet in circumference is allowed within a distance of 75 feet from the shore in the areas of the Ashtamudi backwaters specified below.

Those who desire to fit with Othukuvala shall appear in person before the office of the Inspector of Fisheries, Quilon and take a license in which the place and other restrictions for the operation of nets will be specified. They shall also record a statement of consent before the Inspector or Sub-Inspector of Fisheries concerned to abide by the conditions specified in the licence.

Areas where operation of Othukuvala is permitted.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ From the eastern side of the two railway bridges now under construction up to Kaithakote along the northern side of the shores of Perumon, Chemmakad, Veliman, Cherumoottu etc., from Karikuzhi to Kuthiramunambu along the Southern side of Patappakara and from Kuthiramunambu to east up to Southern side of Patappakara and from Karikuzhi to Kuthiramunambu along up to Kumbalam, Pallikadavu along the northern side of Patappukara, within 75 feet from the shore.

Note:- Peyamthuruthu situated in the midst of the backwaters and from where mud is now removed for the Construction of railway bridges will not be considered as a shore in calculating the distance from the land and operating the nets for the purpose of the notification.

Rules prohibiting Fishing by using Larger Type of Nets like "Atakamkolli Peruvala" Etc.

Notification No.D. Dis.6153/55/Fd.D. dated 6th January 1956, published in the Gazette dated 10th January 1956, Part | page 24.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act, 1950 (XXXIV of 1950) Government hereby make the following rule namely:-

Fishing by using larger type of nets like "Atakamkoli, Peruvala and Neriyavala" is prohibited in canals, the width of which is less than fifty (50) chains.

Rules specifying that Fishing shall not be permitted in Reservoirs of irrigation Projects Except under a License.

Notification No. 16739/57/PW (IR2) dated 18th March 1958 published in the Gazette dated 25th March 1958 Part I, page 904.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act, 1950 (Act XXXIV of 1950), the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rule, namely:-


"Fishing shall not be permitted in the water Reservoirs of the Irrigation Projects except under a license granted by the Government and in accordance with such terms and conditions as may be specified therein."

Specifying that rule under No. 1R2-16739/57/PW dated 18-3-1958 shall apply to the reservoir of Peechi irrigation project.

Notification No. 16739/51/PW (IR2), dated 18th March 1950 published in the Gazette dated 25th March 1958 Part I, page 901.

Under section 4(1) of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act, 1950 (Act XXXIV of 1950) the rule issued under Notification No.IR2-16739/57/PW dated 18/3/1958 shall apply to the waters specified below:

Reservoir of Peechi Irrigation Project.


Notification No.6637757-3/Agri. (AgC.4) dated 11th April 1958 published in the Gazette dated 22nd April 1958 Part | page 1236.

Under section 4(1) of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act 1950 (XXXIV of 1950) the Government of Kerala hereby order that the rule issued under Notification No.D. Dis.6153/55/FD.D dated 6th January 1956 shall apply to all canals and other poramboke waters not being private Waters in the erstwhile Travancore-Cochin State.

Notification No.40980/F 1.2/65/Agri. Dated, 23rd September 1965 published in Kerala Gazette dated 12/10/1966.

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Travancore-Cochin Fisheries Act, 1950 (Act XXXIV of 1950) the Government of Kerala hereby declare the period from 15th October to 14th December in each year as a close time for fishing of giant fresh water and Back water prawns (Palaemon species) known as "കോട്ടയം കൊഞ്ച്" or "മേപ്രാൽകൊഞ്ചു" in all backwater rivers and poramboke waters of the State.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ