
From Panchayatwiki

problem by way of blockade of transport of water air and micro organisms in soil; choking of storm water drains; aesthetic pollution etc. The recyclability of the carry bags is less because it takes nearly 500 carry bags of 20 micron thickness and 20x30 cm size to weigh 1 kg, The reusability of the Carry bags is also less with the current thickness of 20 microns. Containers (rigidor flexible) including plastics Cups, bottles and Packaging materials are also creating environmental problems. Hence it is considered prudent to reasonably increase the minimum thickness of plastic carry bags and containers in exercise of the power of the State Board under clause (i) of sub rule 3 (A) of Rules 3 of Environment (Protection) Rules 1986. Notification enhancing the minimum thickness of plastics carry bags to 30 micron was issued by the State Board vide notification No. PCB/TAC/115/97 dated 06-09-2003 and it was ordered by the Honble High Court of Kerala to be treated as a draft notification which could be finalized after hearing the petitioners in O.P.No. 32288/2002, W.P.No. 913/2004 and W.A.No 268/05. The petitioners were heard on 17-102006 the petitioners were agreeable in general to increasing the thickness of carry bags and containers suitably and making printing of information on material, thickness and manufacturer on the carry bags and containers mandatory. The Government of Kerala have taken apolicy decision that the minimum thickness of plastic carry bags and containers shall be made 50 micron. This is in consonance with the action proposed by the State Board in the previous paragraphs. Therefore the Board, in exercise of power conferred under Rule 3 (3A)(i) of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 hereby imposed the following specifications on the manufacturing and recycling of plastic carry bags and containers including plastic Cups, bottles and packaging materials. The specifications shall be applicable on plastic carry bags and containers brought into the state of Kerala from outside the state also. (i) The minimum thickness of Plastic carry bags and containers including plastic cups, bottles and packaging materials shall be 50 micron. (ii) The thickness in micron, material and identity of manufacturer shall be printed on each carrybag and Container. (iii) The minimum size of plastic carry bags shall be 20x30 cm. (iv) Noplastic carry bag or containershall be made of halogenated material. These specifications shall come into effectforthwith. No manufacturestocking, distribution, sale, use, transportation, Collection, segregation, recycling and disposal of plastic carry bags and Containers which do not conform to the aforesaid specifications shall henceforth be carried out in the state. Those who possess stock of plastic carry bags and containers including plastic Cups, bottles and packaging material of 20 to less than 50 micron thickness are allowed a gracetime of maximum one month form the date of publication of this notification to utilize the stock. As stated in the Government Circular No. 14495/G3/02/LSGD dated 7-10-2003 and as reaffirmed by the Government now, the responsibility of the implementation of the Government decision brought out in this notification vests with the District Collector, Police Department, Commercial Taxes Department, Local Self Government and the Kerala State Pollution Control Board. It is hereby brought to the notice of all those concerned that any violation of the Plastics Manufacture, Sale and usage Rules, 1999, as amended on 17-06-2003 and as made more stringent in standards vide this notification, is liable to incur penalty of imprisonment for a term up to 5 years and fine up to Rs. 1 lakh or both under sub-section (1) of section 15 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ