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ഉത്തരവ ഫ്രണ്ട് ഓഫീസ് സംവിധാനമുള്ള തദ്ദേശസ്വയംഭരണ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളിൽ മുൻഗണനാ ക്രമം അനു സരിച്ച് അന്നുതന്നെ സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് നൽകണമെന്ന് പരാമർശം (2) പ്രകാരം പബ്ലിക്ക് അക്കൗണ്ട്സ് കമ്മിറ്റി ശുപാർശ ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നു. സർക്കാർ ഇക്കാര്യം വിശദമായി പരിശോധിക്കുകയും തദ്ദേശസ്വയംഭരണ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളിൽ ശരിയായ രേഖകൾ സഹിതം സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റിനായി ലഭിക്കുന്ന അപേക്ഷകളിൻമേൽ മുൻഗണനാക്രമം അനുസരിച്ച അന്നുതന്നെ സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് നൽകണമെന്ന് അംഗീകരിച്ച് ഉത്തരവ് പുറപ്പെടുവിക്കുന്നു. MGNREGS - MEASURESTO ADDRESS DELAY INPAYMENT OF WAGES - INTRODUCTION OF VALUATIONCERTFICATE BASEDPAYMENT SANCTION ACCORDED - ORDERS ISSUED Local Self Government (DD) Department, G.O. (Rt) No. 2157/2013/LSGD, TVpm, Dt.21-08-2013) Abstract:- Local Self Government Department-MGNREGS - Measures to address delay inpayment of wages - Introduction of valuation Certificate based payments sanction accorded-orders issued Read:- Letter No. 1897/EGSA/13/REGS/526 dated 27-06-2013 from the Mission Director, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. ORDER of daily wages shall be made on a weekly basis or in any case not later than a fortnight after the date on which Such work was done. Howeveran average delay of 10 to 50 days are now being occurred which nullifies the entitlement provided to labourers in the Act and also invites criticism from the Civil Society and C& AG. (2) The delay in payment of wages is the end result of the time taken in completing four stages of operations involved in the process of disbursement of wages, which can be enlisted as follows. 1. Delay intimely returning of e-Muster Rolls, vouchers etc. by mates and filling of e-Muster Rolls in the MIS by Data Entry Operators. 2. Delay in taking measurements, preparing bills and check measuring the bills. 3. Delay at Grama Panchayat level in preparing wage list, verification of wage list and issuing cheques to banks. 4. Delay in Collecting cheques by financial institutions and crediting such amount to the respective account of beneficiaries. (3) Delay on account of 1st stage can be addressed by issuing strict direction to the Accredited Engineers/ Overseers to close e-Muster Rolls formally on the last day and collecte-Muster Rolls from the mates by themselves, instead of asking mates to returne-Muster Rolls to the Grama Panchayats. Delay on account of 3rd and 4th stage can be addressed by switching over to the e-FMS, which is already under way. However, Delay on account of 2nd stage can be addressed by enhancing manpower Support and introducing valuation certificate based part payment system, instead of part bill based system for making part payments to nonmaterial works. Hence the Mission Director, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has put forth suggestions on the introduction of system for payment of wages on a weekly basis through valuation certificates. Payments for non-material works under MGNREGS can be made on the basis of valuation certificates prepared by the overseers and check measured and admitted by the Assistant Engineer. . . .. . (4) Government have examined the proposal in detail and are pleased to accord sanction for introducing a system of valuation certificate based part payment of wages for reducing the delay now being experienced in the disbursement of wages under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. (5) The system will be introduced forthwith on an experimental/trial basis and the system will be reviewed at Government level after six months for which the Mission Director furnish a detailed status report in this regard to Government without fail.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ