
From Panchayatwiki


(1) G.O.(Ms) No. 31/2008/LSGD dated 31-03-2008

(2) G.O.(Ms) No. 109/2008/LSGD dated 07-04-2008

(3) G.O.(Ms) No. 240/2011/LSGD dated 30-09-2011

(4) Letter No. 2603/A/2011/SM dated 17-04-12 from Executive Director, Suchitwa Mission.


As per the order read as 1st paper above, Government have issued order to integrate Clean Kerala Mission with Kerala Total Sanitation and Health Mission. As per the Government Order read as 2nd paper above the newly formed Mission was named 'Suchitwa Mission'. But the District offices were named TSC District Offices' and area of operation (only rural area) has not been changed even after integration

(2) As per the Government Order read as 3rd paper above Government have decided to strengthen the Suchitwa Mission as well as solid and liquid waste management activities in the State ie, urban and rural areas. (3) Asper the letter read above the Executive Director, Suchitwa Mission requested to rename the District Total Sanitation Campaign offices as District Suchitwa Mission and to change the area of operation to the whole district including urban area. (4) Government have examined the matter in detail and are pleased to rename the present District Total Sanitation Campaign offices as 'District Suchitwa Mission (ജില്ലാ ശുചിത്വ മിഷന്) and to fix the area of operation to the whole district including Urban and Rural areas. 'APPLICABILITY OF THE PROVISION IN BUILDING RULES FOR MINIMUM SETBACK FOR CONSTRUCTION BELOW THE GROUND LEVEL CARIFICATION - ORDERS ISSUED'

[Local Self Government (RD) Department, G.O.(M.S) No. 160/2012/LSGD, Tvpm, Dt. 11-06-2012]

Abstract:- Local Self Government Department - Applicability of the provision in Building Rules for minimum setback for Construction below the ground level - Clarification - Orders issued. Read:- (1) Rule 117 and 24 of KMBR, 1999 (2) Rule 112 and 27 of KPBR, 2011 (3) Lr. No. E2-10233/11 dated 13-03-2012 from the ChiefTown Planner, Thiruvananthapuram. . . .

ORDER Rule 117 of Kerala Municipality Building Rule stipulates provisions for open spaces around high rise buildings. The rule 117(1) stipulates that a motorable open space of minimum 5 metre width has to be provided all round the buildings. Rule 117(2) stipulates that the minimum width of open space between plot boundary and a highrise building shall be 5 metres. The intention of these provisionsistofacilitate vehicular movement to reach the four sides of a highrise building in case of emergencies. Rule 112(1) & (2) of KPBR also provide for similar provisions in Panchayat areas also. However, the rule 24(12) of the KMBR as well as 27(11) of KPBR providespecific provisions with regard to setbacks for constructions below the ground level. As per these sub rules, the front, rear and side setbacks for constructions below the ground level shall be the same as that required for a 10 metres high building of the same occupancy group constructed above the ground level. Hence Government consider this need clarification on whether the setback rules for constructions beneath the ground are applicable for highrise buildings also. In the circumstances, in exercise of powers conferred by Rule 161 of KMBR, 1999 and Rule 152 of KPBR, 2011 the Government hereby clarifies that the open space of minimum 5 metres width as envisaged in the 117(1) & (2) of KMBR or rule 112(1) & (2) of KPBR shall be provided for the portion above the ground level to facilitate vehicular movementaround the highrise building. But, with regard to any part of the highrise Construction which is below the ground level, the provisions forminimum setbacks stipulated in rule 24(12) of KMBR or rule 27(11) of KPBR (whichever is applicable) need only be considered.