
From Panchayatwiki


proportion in which the amount is to be given to each of them. The same should be countersigned and kept by the officer mentioned in para 5.

Provided that if the member has a family he/she shall nominate the members of the family alone as nominees and if he/she has no family he/she may nominate any person as defined Rule 71 Part III KSR as nominee, (ii). A nomination once given shall be inforce until it is cancelled or changed by the insured.

(iii). A member may at any time cancel the nomination and subject to the provision of subpara (i) above fresh nomination may begiven indicating the proportion in which the amount is to be given to each of the nominees, (iv). In case the insured dies in an accident without a valid nomination, then the insured amount will be payable as indicated below:

a. If there are one or more surviving members of the family as at items (i), (ii) and (iii) of paragraph 2 (c) the amount becomes payable to all such members in equal shares;

b. If there are no such surviving members of the family as in (a) above, but one or more surviving members as in items (iv) and (v) of paragraph 2 (c), the amount becomes payable to all such members in equal shares;

C. If there are no such surviving members of the family as in (a) and (b) above, but one or both surviving member as at item (vi) of paragraph 2(c), the amount becomes payable to the member or to the both members in equal shares;

d. If there are no such surviving members as in (b) and (c) above, buy one or more surviving members as at items vii, viii., ix, andx of paragraph 2 (c), the amount becomes payable to all such members in equal shares.

10. Terms and Conditions of issuing policy.

The terms and conditions of the policy shall be as per Kerala State Insurance Departments standard Group Personal Accident Policy subject otherwise to the modifications mentioned in this Scheme if any.

The Kerala State Insurance Department shall issue the policy to Government of Kerala subject to the terms and conditions fixed by the Government.

Provided the Department shall not have the right to alter, amend or modify the terms and conditions of issuing the policy so as to affect pre judicially the interests of the Government/Member during the period, while the policy remains in force.

11. Procedure for claiming compensation

a. Claims for all the benefits to which a member or as the case maybe, his nominees or dependents are entitled to shall be preferred by the officer mentioned in para5.

b. When an accidents caused and an injury sustained by the Insured Persons which may give rise to a claim under the Policy, he or any of his nominees or dependents shall inform the Officer mentioned in para 5 within a period of one month from the date on which the accident took place.

c. The Officer mentioned in para5, as soon as information is received of the accident, in any case not later than forty five days from the date of occurrence of the accident give notice to the Kerala State Insurance Department regarding the accident.

d. In the case of an accident not involving death of the member the member himself or any of his nominees or dependents shall forward to the Officer mentioned in para 5 attested copies of the following:-

i. Claim form

ii. Medical records.

iii. Disability certificate; from the Medical Board.

iv. Police documents if police case registered

v. Proofregarding the remittance of premium in favour of the member to the accounts of Kerala State insurance Department. (only in the case of employees on deputation and leave without allowances)

(e) In the case of an accident involving death of the member any of his nominees or dependents or any other person shall forward to the officer mentioned in para5, attested copies of

(i) Claim Form

(ii) FIR from Police Department wherever applicable.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ