
From Panchayatwiki
                                                                                              4. Procurement Management and Responsibilities
4.1 Separation of Functions is a cardinal principle followed in best procurement practices and it is essential that the technical team mainly lead by the Implementing officers from various departments raise requisitions, which are then passed on to the LSG Procurement Committee mainly lead by the Secretary for all procurement administrative tasks like tendering, tender opening, price comparison and contract award and the Finance team handles all payments on receipt and acceptance of the goods, works and services by the technical team. A schematic diagram of how the procurement management is envisaged in LSGs is presented below:
Steps in Procurment Cycle Responsible Team
Tech Team (working groups led by implementing Officer Procurement Team (Led by IO and section clerks) Finance Team Social Audit Committee
Need identification *✔
Procurement plan preparation and Finalisation * ✔
Environmental and Red Flags Screening of Procurement plan  
Developing specifications *✔
Identifying suppliers/ service providers  *✔
Estimating Costs and securing approvals funding *✔  
Determining Procurement Strategy 
Deciding the Procurement Procedure *✔
Preparing the Request for Quotation/ Tender/Proposals, Advertisement *✔
Allowing time for submission *✔
Issue of tender document *✔
Receipt and Opening of Tenders *✔ ✔
Clarifying Receipts if needed  *✔
Technical Evaluation *✔
Commercial Evaluation and Award of Contracts (after approval of the same by LSG Procurement Committee) *✔
Publishing and Contract Management  *✔
Receipt and certification of goods/services *✔
Authorisation and making Payment *✔ *✔
Evaluation and closre of contract  *✔ ✔
*-denotes principal responsibility among all involved stakeholders

4.2 Different stakeholders in the Procurement Management: Constitution and functioning of various stakeholders identified in the table and as detailed below will be followed in all LSGs:

4.2.1 Working Groups are mandatory for 12 sectors plan: watershed management including environment, agriculture, irrigation, animal husbandry, dairying, fisheries and related sectors; Local economic development other than agriculture, including local industries, promotion of private and community investment and mobilization of credit; Poverty reduction including housing, development of scheduled castes, development of women and children, health, water supply and sanitation including solid waste management; education, culture, youth and sports; Infrastructure, social security including care of the aged and disabled, energy, governance plan if there is an allocation for tribal sub plan then a working group for development of

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