
From Panchayatwiki



As per the GO read above, Government constituted an Expert Committee to suggest the norms for specifications, standards, unit costs etc. for solid waste treatment plants using vermi-composting, bio-methanation and windrow composting technologies. The recommendations of the Committee were considered by the State Level Coordination Committee on Decentralization at its meeting held on 23-01-2008. In the light of the comments of the Kerala State Pollution Control Board and based on the decisions of the Coordination Committee appropriate modifications were made by the Committee.

Government have accepted these recommendations and are pleased to approve the Guidelines appended to this order on specifications, standards, unit costs, O&M protocols, subsidy norms and contract conditions for solid waste treatment plants to be set up or promoted by Local Governments using vermi composting, windrow Composting and bio-methanation technologies.


                                       (LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT (IB) DEPARTMENT, GO. (Ms) No.11/2008/LSGD, Tvpm, 10-01-2008)

Abstract:- Local Government Department- Hospital Kiosk Project-Data Entry and Delivery of Certificates, Management of collection of Service charges and other operations - Coverage extended to all Local Governments - modified-Revised - Orders issued.

Read:- (1) G.O(Ms) 273/04/LSGD dated 14-09-2004.

(2) G.O (RT) No. 3956/2005/LSGD dated 27-09-2005.

(3) G.O. (Rt) No. 4952/2005/LSGD dated 8-12-2005.

(4) G.O(Ms) No. 62/07/LSGD dated, 02-03-2007.

(5) G.O (Rt) No. 988/07/LSGD dated, 28-03-2007.

(6) G.O(Ms) No.262/2007/LSGD dated, 19-11-2007.

(7) D.O. Letter No. KM/ECD/51/07 dated 05-09-2007 from Prof. M.K.Prasad, Executive Chairman & Director, KM.

(8) Letter No. 1KM/HKWol. 26/07 dated, 26-11-2007 from the Executive Chairman and Director.

1. As per the Government Order read as first paper above, Government had approved a proposal for establishing Hospital Kiosks in 52 Government Hospitals and 130 Private Hospitals in 5 Corporation areas for improving service delivery relating to civil registration in Corporations.

2. As per Government Order read as Second paper above, Government had issued orders fixing the responsibilities of the Information Kerala Mission, Corporations and kiosk vendors.

3. As per Government Order read as Third paper above, Government had issued orders entrusting Information Kerala Mission to run pilot projects in 5 Corporations in association with Kudumbasree and refixed the service charge as Rs 15 with effect from 01-01-2006 which is meant for meeting the recurring expenses related to issue of section 12 Certificates through Hospital Kiosks.

4. Asper the order read as fifth paper above Government had issued orders for extending the project to Municipalities and Grama Panchayats. As per order read as fourth paper above Government accorded sanction for continued collection of service charge at the rate of Rs.15/- on delivery of section 12 Certificates which was made applicable to all Hospital Kiosks including Municipalities and Grama Panchayats and exempted still births, infant deaths, Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/BPL cardholders, RCC, TBSanitorium and similar institutions.

5. Asper the letter read as seventh paper above, Executive Chairman and Director, Information Kerala Mission has requested Government to review the overall functioning of the project and modify it as the stabilization phase is over.

6. Accordingly asper order read as sixth paper above Government had issued orders handing over the management, operations, and the responsibility of collection of service charge of Hospital Kiosks to 5 Municipal Corporations. Government had issued guidelines there in for running the same by outsourcing the data entry and Courier Service to Kudumbasree and also had prescribed the rates. Government had also ordered that information Kerala Mission should handover the assets of Hospital Kiosks to Local Governments for their future operation, maintenance, replacement etc.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ