
From Panchayatwiki
Sub:- Registration of Birth of a Child born to Mr. K. P. Hamza who is employed in Dubai.

With reference to your letter No. Nil, dated the 9th January, 1984 on the subject noted above, have to say that the, birth of a child born to Mr. Hamza should be registered at our Embassy/Consulate in Dubai. Section 20(1) of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 provides that "the Registrar General shall, subject to such rules as may be made by the Central Government in this behalf, cause to be registered information as to births and deaths of citizens of India outside India received by him under the rules relating to the registration of such citizens at Indian Consulates made under the Citizenship Act. 1955, (57 of 1955) and every such registration shall also deemed to have been duly made under this Act."

The birth of the child cannot be registered in India under Section 20 (2) of Act which provides that "in the case of any child born outside India in respect of whom information has not been received as provided in sub-section (1), if the parents of the child return to India with a view to settling therein, they may at any time within sixty days from the date of the arrival of the child in India, the get the birth of the child registered under this Act in the same manner as if the child was born in India and the provisions of section 13 shall apply to the birth of such child after the expiry of the period of sixty days aforesaid." (CIRCULAR-J. 2065, No.RBD/18458/74)


Copy of the letter No. RBDI-42836/74/L. Dis. dated 10.9.1974 of the Director of Panchayats is extracted below for the information and guidance of all concerned.

Sub:- Registration of Birth & Death Act, 1969- Correction of entry in the Birth & Death Registers -Regarding. 

Requests are being received from certain Registers of Births and Deaths for sanction to effect' corrections in the Birth and Death Registers under Section 15 of the Registration of Birth & Death Act, 1969. Some Registrars, after effecting corrections under the said section request the Chief Registrar to ratify their actions for having done so.

Section 15 of the Registration of Births & Deaths Act, 1969 gives full powers to the Registrars to effect corrections. No approval or sanction of higher authorities is contemplated. But the Registrars have to bear in mind that change is different from error. While an error can be corrected, a change either in religion or in name cannot be incorporated under the Act. Therefore a change in name made subsequently need not be incorporated in the place of original entry. These original documents have legal value and cannot be changed. If a person proposes to change his name, there are other legal procedures to be adopted by him for the purpose. Also while a change in religion is made, similar procedure should be adopted.

The District registrars are requested to bring the contents of this communication among the Executive Officers/Registrars of Panchayats in their respective jurisdiction. (CIRCULAR- J.2101, RBDI42836/74)

Sub:- Information regarding dead bodies taken in police custody for post mortem.

The above Subject was discussed during the course of a meeting of the interdepartmental Committee of Goa on 6th September, 1973. As it was found that the police authorities had some difficulties in regard to submission of post-mortem report in case of dead bodies, the Inspector-General of Police, it has been decided, may issue circulars to all the police officers in charge of police stations to the effect that in such cases, information regarding event of death should however be immediately reported to the concerned Registrar of Births and Deaths inform No. 4 with the exception of cause of death which could subsequently be communicated on receipt of post-mortem report from concerned medical authority.

As such problems might be coming up in your State/Union Territory also, it is suggested that the above line of action may be adopted in your State also so that reporting of death may not be held up. (Letter No. 19-18/74-(RP) dt. 12-9-1974 of the Registrar General of India (V.S. Division) New Delhi).

Sub:- Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 - Reporting of Institutional events. 

As per Section 8(1)(b) of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 it shall be the duty of the Medical Officer in charge or any person authorised by him in this behalf, to give or cause to be given either orally or in writing, according to the best of his knowledge and belief, within such time, as may be

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