
From Panchayatwiki

(ii) the following activities shall require clearance from MoEF, namely:-

(a) those activities not listed in the EIA notification, 2006.

(b) Construction activities relating to projects of Department of Atomic Energy or Defence requirements for which foreshore facilities are essential such as, slipways, jetties, wharves, quays; except for classified operational component of defence projects. Residential buildings, office buildings, hospital Complexes, Workshops of strategic and defence projects in terms of EIA notification, 2006.

(c) construction, operation of lighthouses;
(d) laying of pipelines, conveying systems, transmission line;
(e) exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas and all associated activities and facilities thereto;
(f) Foreshore requiring facilities for transport of raw materials, facilities for intake of Cooling water and outfall for discharge of treated wastewater or cooling water from thermal powerplants. MoEF may specify for category of projects such as at (i), (g) and (h) of para 4;

(g) Mining of rare minerals as listed by the Department of Atomic Energy;
(h) Facilities for generating power by non-conventional energy resources, desalination plants and weather radars;
(i) Demolition and reconstruction of (a) buildings of archaeological and historical importance, (ii) heritage buildings; and buildings under public use which means buildings such as for the purposes of Worship, education, medical care and Cultural activities,

4.2 Procedure for clearance of permissible activities.-All projects attracting this notification shall be considered for CRZ clearance asper the following procedure, namely:-

(i) The project proponents shall apply with the following documents seeking prior clearance under CRZnotification to the concerned State or the Union territory Coastal Zone Management Authority,
(a) Form-1 (Annexure-IV of the notification);
(b) Rapid EIA Report including marine and terrestrial component except for Construction projects listed under 4(c) and (d)
(c) Comprehensive EIA with cumulative studies for projects in the stretches classified as low and medium eroding by MoEF based on scientific studies and in consultation with the State Governments and Union territory Administration;
(d) Disaster Management Report, Risk Assessment Report and Management Plan;
(e) CRZmap indicating HTL and LTL demarcated by one of the authorized agency (as indicated in para 2) in 1:4000 scale;
(f) Project layout superimposed on the above map indicated at(e) above,
(g) The CRZmap normally covering 7km radius around the project site.
(h) The CRZmap indicating the CRZ-I, II, III and IV areas including other notified ecologically sensitive areas,
(i) No Objection Certificate from the concerned State Pollution Control Boards or Union territory Pollution Control Committees for the projects involving discharge of effluents, Solid wastes, sewage and the like.;

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ