
From Panchayatwiki

11. Maximum number of persons permitted in each part of the auditorium.
Class of accommodation-----------------Maximum rate of admission
In the first class------------------------------------ Persons
In the -------------------------------------------- Persons
In the -------------------------------------------- Persons
In the -------------------------------------------- Persons
Total --------------------------------------------- Persons

Conditions of Licence

The Licence is granted subject to the provisions of the Kerala Cinema (Regulation) Act, 1958 and the rules made thereunder. It is also subject to the following conditions. The terms and conditions of the licence as inserted may be modified or added to at any time during the currency of the licence.
1. This licence does not exempt the licensee or his servants or agents from taking out any other licence required by or otherwise complying with any other law or rule or bye-law made thereunder.
2. (a) The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited any film other than a film which has been certified as suitable for public exhibition by the authority constituted under Section 3 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (This condition shall not apply to newsreels produced by the Films Division, Bombay) which, when exhibited, displays the prescribed mark of that authority, and has not been altered or tampered with in anyway since such mark was affixed thereto.
(b) The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited, in the place in respect of which this licence is given, to any person who is not an adult any film which has been certified by an authority Constituted under Section 3 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952, as suitable for public exhibition restricted to adults.
(c) The licensee shall not display or cause to be displayed, any photograph, picture or poster which depicts or represents or purports to represent a scene or shot Which has been excised from any film under the orders of the Central Government.
Explanation.- This condition shall not be construed as prohibiting the exhibition of a film, in respect of which an 'A' Certificate has been granted, to children in arms below the age of three.
3. The licensing authority and any subordinate duly authorised by him in that behalf and any police officer deputed to keep order during any entertainment in the licensed premises shall at all times have free access to the said premises in order to see whether the conditions of the licence are fulfilled.
4. (a) The licensee shall exhibit at each performance one or more approved films of such length and for such length of time, as the State Government or Central Government may, by general or special order, direct subject to the proviso to Section 7 of the Act.
(b) The licensee shall comply with such directions as the State Government may, by general or special order, give as to the manner in which approved films shall be exhibited in the Course of any performance.
Explanation.- "Approved film" means a cinematograph film approved for the purpose of this condition by the State Government or the Central Government.
5. The licensee shall also exhibit at each performance such slides as may be supplied by the licensing authority, in such manner and for such length of time so that authority may direct subject to the proviso to Section 8 of the Act.
6. No fire work shall be used as adjunct to a cinematograph exhibition.
7. No person shall be admitted within a line.............. metres in front of and parallel to the screen. A strong barrier or other efficient partition shall be provided for enforcing this condition.
8. The licensee shall not, without the permission of the licensing authority, assign, sub-let

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Sajithomas

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