
From Panchayatwiki

76. The floors of all landings shall not be less than 15 cm thick.
77. There shall be no recesses or projections on the walls of such staircase within at least 2 m above the steps or landing.
78. The minimum headway of a passage if used by public under the landings shall be not less than 2.1 m at any point between the top of the finished floor surface and the underside of the landing immediately above it. In case heavy floor coverings are to be used, necessary allowance for the same should be provided.
79. No stairways shall discharge into the passage or Corridor against or across the direction of exit.
80. All treads of steps and stairways shall be so maintained with nonslippery surfaces.
81. (1) Ramps when provided shall be so located as to be easily visible to the users.
(2) The slope of the ramps should be such as to facilitate climbing without undue strain, but not steeper than 1.6, at the same time it should not cause the user to exert unnecessarily for climbing down.
(3) The surface of the ramp should be made reasonably skid proof either by a suitable pattern cast in situ in floor finish or by the use of chequered tiles. (4) All ramps shall be provided with a parapet at least 800mm high or a suitable hand-rail of the same height to prevent inadvertent falling of the users.
82. Clear aisles not less than 1.2 mm width shall be formed at right angles to the line of seating in Such number and manner that no seat shall be more than 3.8 m away from an aisle, measured in the line of seating. Under the conditions where all these aisles do not directly meet the exit doors, cross aisles shall be provided parallel to the line of seating so as to provide direct access to the exit, provided that not more than one cross aisle for every 10 rows shall be required. The width of Cross aisles shall be 1 m. minimum.
83. Where possible, gradients or inclined planes shall be used instead of steps but no gradient or inclined plane shall be steeper than 1 in 10.
84. If steps have to be inserted in a gangway or passage there shall be not less than three steps at any one place. The treads shall not be less than 30 cm. and risers not more than 15 cm.
85. All gangways and treads of steps shall be maintained with nonslippery Surfaces and shall be kept well illuminated.
86. Druggets matting and floor covering if provided in gangways shall be securely fastened to the floor.
87. Exits and the gangways and passages leading to exit shall be kept clear of any obstruction other than rope barriers provided in accordance with rule 88. On no account shall extra seats be placed in the gangways or spectators be allowed to stand in the gangways at the time of performances in Such a way as to block or reduce their effective width.
88. Rope barriers in gangways or elsewhere shall be fitted with clips or fastenings which will part in the Centre on slight pressure and shall not trail on the floor.
89. No landing lobby, Corridor or passage not being an internal passage between and or across rows of seats, intended for use as an exit shall be less than 1.5m wide and there shall be no recesses or projections in the walls of Such passages or Corridors within 1.8 m of the ground,
90. The size of the auditorium shall be fixed in relation to the number of audience to be seated. No part of the auditorium shall provide accommodation exclusive of passages at a scale higher than 0.45 cm. per person.
91. The maximum slope of the balcony or gallery shall not exceed 350.
92. Where a balcony is provided its projection into the hall should not be more than three times the free height of the opening of the balcony recess.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Sajithomas

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