
From Panchayatwiki

(b) It shall be situated at a distance of not less than 10 feet from any portion of the building which is used for habitation or for storing or preparing any articles of food or drink.

(c) It shall be situated at a distance of not less than 20 feet from any Well, Spring or stream of water used or likely to be used by men for drinking or for the manufacture of drinks for use of men:

Provided that this clause shall not be deemed to authorise the construction of a privy at any place, if it is likely to render the water in any such Well, spring or stream liable to contamination.

(d) It shall be so situated that it shall have suitable means of access to the Scavengers for cleaning and the removal of excreta:

Provided that Clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this rule shall not apply to bathrooms where commodes and chamber pots are used.

Note:- A privy is a latrine, which is not served by a water carriage system as well as one in which a bore or hole in the earth is not used to receive the excreta.

12. Every privy shall be provided with adequate means of lighting and ventilation.

13. The owner of any premises shall, if such premises are occupied by more than one family, provide for the use of each family separate latrine accommodation on the following scale:-

(a) In areas where there is water carriage system, one flush out seat for an ordinary family consisting of half a dozen members.

(b) In the case of dry earth latrine where bucket is used as a Common receptacle, two seats with buckets for a small family of less than six members.

(c) In the case of other types of dry earth latrines, where no receptacles are used, at least three seats for each family: Provided that the Health Officer may for reasons to be recorded in writing relax the provisions of this rule in any particular case -

(1) The owner of any premises shall, if so directed by the Health Officer, provide in the privy in such premises one or more movable galvanized and tarred receptacles for depositing eXCreta.

(2) Such receptacles shall be

(a) so constructed and placed that their contents may not at any time be exposed to rain or discharge into any drain, or escape by leakage or otherwise from the receptacle.

(b) constructed of such materials as to prevent the absorption by the receptacles of any filth deposited therein.

(3) No such receptacle shall exceed one cubic foot in capacity.

14. If a receptacle for excreta has been provided in a privy in any premises,

(a) the whole of the containing Walls of the Space beneath the seat, except Such opening as may be necessary for affording access to the space, shall be constructed so as to be impervious to moisture;

(b) the floor of the space beneath the seat shall be at least three inches above the surface of the adjoining ground;

(c) the seat, the aperture in the seat and the space beneath the seat shall be of such dimensions exceeding one cubic foot and be so placed and fitted beneath the seat as to prevent the deposit of any filth elsewhere than in such receptacle;

(d) adequate access for cleaning the space beneath the seat and for removing therefrom or placing therein the receptacle for filth shall be provided.

15. If the privy in any premises has been provided with a receptacle for the deposit of excreta, the occupier of such premises shall, if so directed by the Health Officer, keep a sufficient supply of dry earth or other deodorizing substance in a suitable vessel of adequate capacity and deposit or cause to or deodorizing substance in the receptacle after each use of the privy.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: SujithPT

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