
From Panchayatwiki

infection and carry out such orders as may be issued in this behalf by the Health Officer or executive authority.

(2) He shall not at any time, while a lodger is suffering from an infectious disease, cause or allow any other person except a relative of such lodger or a person attending on such lodgerto use or occupy the same room as such lodger.

(3) He shall immediately after the death, removal or recovery of any lodger who has been suffering from an infectious disease, cause every part of the room which may have been occupied by such lodger to be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected and shall also cause every article in such room which may be liable to retain infection to be in like manner cleansed and disinfected to the satisfaction of the Health Officer.

23. The keeper of a lodging house shall not cause or suffer to be used as a sleeping apartment any room intended for use as a kitchen, Scullery, store room or lumber room.

24. (1) If in a lodging house, beds, mattresses and pillows are provided for the use of lodgers, the keeper of the lodging house shall not allow any lodger to use any bed, mattress or pillow which has been used by another lodger until the same has been thoroughly cleaned, aired and exposed to the Sun.

(2) The keeper of a lodging house shall not allow any lodger to use any bed Covers, pillow covers or sheets which have been used by another lodger until the same have been thoroughly washed and cleaned.

25. The keeper of a lodging house shall, when a lodger vacates a room, have it thoroughly cleaned and aired before allowing it to be occupied by another lodger.

26. The keeper of a lodging house shall not use or cause to be used any part of the premises for storing or keeping any inflammable material or any article which is dangerous or detrimental to the health or safety of the lodgers.

27. The keeper of a lodging house shall not allow any part of the premises to be used in a manner likely to be nuisance.

28. (1) The keeper of a lodging house shall maintain in such form as may be specified by the Health Officer a register showing the full names and permanent addresses of all the lodgers halting in the premises.

(2) This register shall be produced by the keeper of the lodging house at any time on demand by the Executive Authority or an Officer of the Public Health Department of the local authority not below the rank of Health or Sanitary Inspector.

(3) Nothing contained in the rule shall apply to a choultry, chatram or dharmasala which has no regular manager or clerk.

29. Every keeper of a lodging house shall, if required by the Health Officer or Executive Authority, put up in a conspicuous place in the premises a copy of these rules and of other rules and bye-laws relating to the regulation and control of the premises and shall not at any time conceal, deface, alter, obliterate or destroy any portion of such rules or bye-laws.

30. The keeper of a lodging house or his deputy shall be present at the premises at all hours during day and night.

31. Whoever commits a breach of the provisions of Rules 3 to 30 shall be punishable (a) with fine which may extend to fifty rupees and in case of continuing breach with fine which may extend to fifteen rupees for every day during which the breach continues after conviction for the first breach or (b) with fine which may extend to ten rupees for every day during which the breach continues for receipt of notice from the executive authority or the Health Officer to discontinue such breach.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: SujithPT

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