
From Panchayatwiki

92 (a) Construction of factories, workshops, etc., in Two hundred rupees residential areas (b) Failure of factories, workshops, etc., to comply One hundred rupees with restrictions imposed 96 2&3 Failure to cease to inhabit a dwelling house Fifty rupees declared unfit for human habitation; or permitting it to be let or occupied as a dwelling house 57(xx xx 99 (a) Failure to maintain a tenement in habitable Twenty rupees Condition (b) Causing or permitting a tenement to be Twenty rupees OverCrOWoded 101 - - - Keeping a lodging house or receiving a lodger Fifty rupees without registration 106 (1) Failure to affix notice Fifty rupees (2) Refusal to allow free access to the executive Fifty rupees authority, etc., to all parts of the lodging house 108 (1) Selling, etc., unsound meat or food Twenty rupees 109 - - - Selling, etc., unsound meat or food through others Twenty rupees 113 (2) Infected person carrying on trade, etc., in Twenty rupees articles of food 115 (5) Failure to comply with the order prohibiting the Fifty rupees supply of milk or dairy produce 124 - - - Failure to comply with notice to close or Twenty-fiverupees disinfect source of Water Supply 125 (1) & (3) Accommodating visitors without licence or Twenty rupees infringing conditions of licence


In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 81 and 128 and sub-section (1) of Section 129 of the Madras Public Health Act, 1939 (Madras Act III of 1939), His Excellency the Governor of Madras is hereby pleased to make the following rules:- 1. These rules may be called the Infectious Diseases (General) Rules, 1940. 2. (1) If in any premises there is any case of cerebro-spinal fever, or chickenpox, the Health Officer or any one authorised by him in that behalf may put up or affix a notice, board or placard at the entrance to such premises to indicate the presence of such disease in such premises. (2) No person shall destroy, tamper with, pull down, injure or deface such notice, board or placard. 3. If an officer of the Public Health Department of the local authority concerned not below the rank of Health or Sanitary Inspector, has reasonable grounds, to believe that in any premises, any person is suffering or has recently suffered from a notified disease, he may if he considers that for the purpose of preventing the spread of such disease an examination of such person is necessary, examine or cause to be examined such person with a view to ascertain whether he is suffering or has recently suffered from such disease: Provided that in the case of women such examination shall as far as practicable be conducted by a Woman:

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ