
From Panchayatwiki

26 28 29 3O 31 32 34 35 36 38 39 40 44 46 57 59 60 60 67 71 72 56,76 77 84 THE MADRAS PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1939 Continuing to occupying a dwelling house or to permit its occupation without a supply of wholesome water Failure to comply with notice to provide efficient drainage Failure to comply with notice requiring to Connect a house drain with an outside drain Failure on the part of the owner of land to comply with notice requiring a drain for a hut On the land Failure to comply with notice for paving or raising the level of any Court-yard etc. Failure to comply with notice requiring removal or closure of Cesspool Letting out Sullage or sewage into a street, etc. Discharging injurious refuse, etc., into a drain Polluting water-course Constructing or reconstructing a building intended for human habitation without a sanitary convenience Failure to comply with notice regarding provision of sanitary conveniences of latrines Failure to comply with notice requiring removal or improvement of latrines Failure to comply with notice to abate nuisance Failure to comply with Magistrate's order prohibiting the use of a house or building Failure to comply with notice prohibiting the use of unwholesome water sing other persons to infection Infe ited persons carrying on trade in articles of food Infected persons engaging in other occupations without permit Failure to close lodging houses, etc. Exposing other persons to infection Failure to comply with notice forbidding work in infected premises Failure to comply with any order or direction issued by the Collector or other officer Failure to take steps for the destruction of rats, mice, etc. Failure to comply with notice for the destruction of rats, mice etc. Failure to comply with notice requiring steps to be taken against the breeding of mosquitoes SCH - I Ten rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees Twenty rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees Twenty rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees Twenty rupees Twenty rupees Five rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees Twenty rupees Ten rupees Ten rupees One hundred rupees Five rupees Five rupees Ten rupees

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ