
From Panchayatwiki

Explanation:- A person shall be deemed to know that he is suffering from a notified disease within the meaning of this sub-section if he has been informed by the Health Officer or any other officer of the Public Health Department of the Government or of a local authority, not below the rank of Health or Sanitary Inspector, or a medical practitioner registered under the Madras Medical Registration Act, 1914, that he is so suffering.

(2) No person who has the care of a person whom he knows to be suffering from a notified disease shall cause or permit that person to expose others to the risk of infection by his presence or conduct in any place referred to in sub-section (1).

72. Forbidding work in infected premises.

(1) If a case of notified disease occurs on any premises, the Health Officer may, whether the person suffering from the disease has been removed from the premises or not, make an order forbidding any work to which this section applies, to be given out to any person living or working on those premises or in such part thereof as may be specified in the order, and any order so made may be served on the occupier of the factory from which the work is given out or on any contractor employed by such occupier.

(2) An order under this section may be expressed to be operative for a specified time or until the premises or any part thereof specified in the order have been disinfected to the satisfaction of the Health Officer, or may be expressed to be inoperative so long as any other reasonable precautions specified in the order are taken.

(3) This section applies to the making, cleaning, washing, altering, ornamenting, finishing or repairing of wearing apparel and any work incidental thereto, and to such other classes of work as may from time to time be notified by the Director of Health Services.

73. Prohibition of use of public library by infected person.

No person who knows that he is suffering from a notified disease shall take any book, or cause any book to be taken, for his use, or use any book taken from any public or circulation library.

74. Disposal of bodies of persons dying while suffering from notified disease.—

(1) No person having the charge or control of the body of any person who has died while suffering from a notified disease shall permit or suffer persons to come unnecessarily into contact with, proximity to, the body.

(2) No person shall, without the sanction in writing of an officer of the Public Health Department of the Government or of the local authority concerned, not below the rank of Health or Sanitary Inspector, retain in any premises (elsewhere than in public mortuary) for more than twelve hours the body of any person who has died while suffering from any notified disease.

(3)(a) If any such body (not being a body kept in a mortuary) remains undisposed of for more than twelve hours without the sanction referred to in sub-section (2), or

If the dead body of any person is retained in building so as to endanger the health of the inmates of such building, or of any adjoining or neighbouring building, any Magistrate may, on the application of any officer referred to in sub-section (2), order the body to be removed and disposed of within a specified time.

            (b) A Magistrate may, in the case of the body of a person who has died while suffering from a notified disease, or in any other case in which be considers the immediate disposal of the body necessary, direct the body to be so disposed of, unless the friends or the relatives of the deceased undertake the disposal of the body within a time specified in the order.

            (c) The expenses of the removal and disposal of any body under clause (a) or clause (b) shall be borne by the local authority; but such expenses may be recovered, as if it were a tax due to it, by the local authority from any person who would have been legally liable therefor but for such removal and disposal unless in the opinion of the local authority he is too poor to do so.

(4)(a) If any person dies in a hospital or a place of temporary accommodation for the sick while suffering from a notified disease, and the Health Officer certifies that in his opinion it is

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Manoj

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