
From Panchayatwiki

affected with any epidemic, endemic or infectious disease including leprosy as defined in section 79 and for preventing the spread of such diseases, and the rules may declare by what authority or authorities such rule shall be enforced and executed.

CHAPTER VIII - Maternity and Child Welfare

87. Local Authority to carry out maternity and child welfare measures-

Every local authority shall be bound to carry out such measures pertaining to maternity and child welfare as may be prescribed.

CHAPTER IX - Mosquito Control

88. Prohibition of mosquito breeding in collection of water.-

(1) No person or local authority shall-

            (a) have, keep, or maintain within any local area any collection of standing or flowing water in which mosquitoes breed or are likely to breed, or

            (b) cause, permit or suffer any water within such area to form a collection in which mosquitoes breed or are likely to breed, unless such collection has been so treated as effectively to prevent such breeding.

          Explanation:- Troughs used for cattle and in frequent use shall not, until the Contrary is proved, be deemed to be collections of water in which mosquitoes breed or are likely to breed.

(2)The natural presence of mosquito larvae in any standing or flowing water shall be evidence that mosquitoes are breeding in such water.

89. Treatment of mosquito breeding places.-

(1) The Health Officer may, by notice, require the owner or the occupier of any place containing any collection of standing or flowing water in which mosquitoes breed or are likely to breed within such time as may be specified in the notice, not being less than twenty-four hours, to take such measures with respect to the same or to treat the same by such physical, chemical or biological method, being measures or a method, approved by the Director of Health Services, as the Health Officer may consider suitable in the circumstances.

(2) If a notice under sub-section (1) is served on the occupier, he shall, in the absence of a contract, expressed or implied, to the contrary, be entitled to recover from the owner the reasonable expenses incurred by him in taking the measures or adopting the method of treatment, specified in the notice, and may deduct the amount of such expenses from the rent which is then, or which may thereafter, be due from him to the owner.

90. Health Officer's power in case of default.-

If the person on whom a notice is served under section 89 fails or refuses to take the measures or adopt the method of treatment specified in such notice within the time specified therein, the Health Officer may himself take such measures or adopt such treatment and recover the cost of doing so from the owner or occupier of the property, as the case may be, in the same manner as if it were an arrear of land revenue.

91. Protection of anti-mosquito work.--

Where, with the object of preventing the breeding of mosquitoes in any land or buildings, the Government or any local authority, or the owner or occupier at the instance of the Government or any local authority, has constructed any works in such land or building, the owner for the time being as well as the occupier for the time being of such land or building shall prevent its being used in any manner which causes, or is likely to cause, the deterioration of such works, or which impairs or is likely to impair their efficiency.

92. Protection of interference with such works.-

(1)No person shall without the consent of the Health Officer interfere with, injure, destroy or render useless, any Work executed or any material or thing placed in, under, or upon any land or building by or under the orders of the Health Officer with the object of preventing the breeding of mosquitoes therein.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: Manoj

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