
From Panchayatwiki

          (b) enter any other public Conveyance, without previously intimating to the owner, driver or conductor thereof that he is suffering from leprosy.

(2) No person who has the care of a person whom he knows to be suffering from leprosy shall permit him to be carried-

            (a) in any public conveyance used for the conveyance of passengers at separate fares, or

            (b) in any other public conveyance, without previously intimating to the OWner, driver or conductor thereof that he is suffering from leprosy.

(3) The owner, driver or conductor of a public conveyance used for the Conveyance of passengers at separate fares shall not convey therein a person whom he knows to be suffering from leprosy at any time when a passenger not suffering from leprosy is being Conveyed there in:

          Provided that a person suffering from leprosy may be conveyed in the public Conveyance aforesaid in such cases of emergency and subject to such restrictions and safeguards as may be notified by the Government.

(4) The owner or driver of any other public conveyance may refuse to Convey therein any person suffering from leprosy until he has been paid a sum sufficient to cover any loss and expense which will be incurred by reason of the provisions of the next succeeding sub-section.

(5) The person in charge of a public conveyance in which a person whom he knows to be suffering from leprosy has been conveyed shall, as soon as practicable, give notice to the Health Officer of the local area in which the conveyance is usually kept and before permitting any other person to enter the conveyance, shall cause it to be disinfected.

(6) The local authority, when so requested by the person in charge of a public conveyance in which a person suffering from leprosy has been Conveyed, shall provide for its disinfection.

83. Prohibition of persons suffering from leprosy from attending school, college or taking out books or newspapers from public or circulating libraries.-

(1) No person who knows that he is suffering from leprosy shall-

            (a) attend any school, College, playground or such other place; or

            (b) take any book or newspaper or cause any book or newspaper to be taken for his use or use any book or newspaper taken, from any public or circulating library.

(2) No person who has the care of a person whom he knoWS to be Suffering from leprosy shall permit him to do any of the acts prohibited by sub-section (1).

(3) For the purposes of this section

            (a) "public library" shall include "public reading room";

            (b) "book" shall include every volume, part or division of a volume, pamphlet and leaflet in any language and every sheet of map, chart or plan separately printed, lithographed or otherwise mechanically produced; and

            (c) "newspaper" shall mean any periodical work containing public news.

84. Segregation of persons suffering from leprosy.-

The Government may, on the recommendation of the Director of Health Services, by notification, declare any area to be a "Segregation Area" if they are satisfied that in such area adequate segregation accommodation for persons suffering from leprosy has been provided by the local authority, or has been placed at its disposal and set apart by it for the purpose; and thereupon, the following provisions shall apply to such area:-

          (i) The Health Officer may, by notice, require any person suffering from leprosy and residing within the segregation area to remove himself to such segregation accommodation as may be

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: Manoj

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