
From Panchayatwiki
65. Closure of lodging houses.-

If, on the application of the Health Officer, a Magistrate (not being a Magistrate of the third class) is satisfied that it is necessary in the interests of public health that a lodging house or any place where articles of food are sold, or prepared, stored, or exposed for sale, or distributed, should be closed on account of the existence or recent occurrence in such lodging house or place of a case of notified disease, the Magistrate may, by order, direct it to be closed until the expiry of such period as may be specified in the order or until it is certified by the Health Officer to be free from infection.

66. Infected cloth not to be sent to laundry.-

No person shall-

(1) sent or take to any laundry or public wash house or any public water-course, tank or well, for the purpose of being washed, or to any place for the purpose of being cleansed, any clothing, bedding or other article which he knows to have been exposed to infection from any notified disease, unless such article has been disinfected by or to the satisfaction of the Health Officer, or a medical practitioner, or unless under instructions from such a person it is sent with proper precautions to a laundry for the purpose of disinfection with notice that it has been exposed to infection; or

(2) place or cause or permit to be placed in any dustbin or other receptacle for the deposit of refuse any matter which he knows to have been exposed to infection from a notified disease and Which has not been disinfected.

67. Infected persons not to use public conveyance.-

(1) No person who knows that he is suffering from a notified disease shall-

(a) enter any public conveyance used for the conveyance of passengers at separate fares, or
(b) enter any other public conveyance, without previously notifying the owner, driver or conductor thereof that he is so suffering.

(2) No person having the care of a person whom he knows to be suffering from a notified disease shall permit that person to be carried-

(a) In any public conveyance used for the conveyance of passengers at separate fares, Or
(b) in any other public conveyance, without previously notifying the owner, driver or conductor thereof that the person is so suffering.

(3) The owner, driver or conductor of a public conveyance used for the Conveyance of passengers at separate fares shall not convey therein a person whom he knows to be suffering from a notified disease, at any time when a passenger not suffering from such disease is being conveyed therein:

Provided that a person suffering from a notified disease may be Conveyed in the public conveyance aforesaid, in such case of emergency and subject to such restrictions and safeguards as may be notified by the Government.

(4) The owner or driver of any other public conveyance may refuse to convey therein any person suffering from a notified disease until he has been paid a sum sufficient to cover any loss and expense which will be incurred by reason of the provision of the next succeeding sub-section.

(5) If a person Suffering from a notified disease is conveyed in a public Conveyance the person in charge thereof shall, as soon as practicable, give notice to the Health Officer or other notified officer of the area in which the conveyance is usually kept and before permitting any other person to enter the conveyance shall cause it to be disinfected.

(6) The local authority, when so requested by the person in charge of a public Conveyance in which a person suffering from a notified disease has been conveyed shall provide for its disinfection.

68. Letting or sub-letting a building occupied by an infected person.-

No person shall, without a special permit from the Health Officer, let or sub-let or permit or suffer any prospective tenant to enter a building in which he knows or has reason to know that a person has been suffering from a notified disease within the three months immediately preceding.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Gangadharan

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