
From Panchayatwiki

(2) A local authority shall not be deemed to have discharged its obligation under sub-section (1) unless the hospitals, wards or places or reception in question are maintained in accordance with such general or special orders as may, from time to time, be issued by the Director of Health Services.

53. Provision of ambulances, etc.-

A local authority may, and if so required by the 16|Director of Health Services, shall

(a) provide and maintain suitable conveyances, with sufficient attendants and other requisites, for the free carriage of person suffering from any infectious disease; and
(b) provide properplaces and apparatus and establishment, for the disinfection of Conveyances, clothing, bedding or other articles which have been exposed to infection:

and when any conveyances, clothing, bedding or articles are brought to any such place for disinfection, may, cause them, at its discretion, to be disinfected, either free of charge, or on payment of such fee as it may fix.

54. Medical practitioner to give information of certain infectious diseases.-

Every medical practitioner who in the course of his practice becomes cognizant of the existence of any case of any infectious disease referred to in section 50 in any private or public dwelling other than a public hospital shall, if the case has not been already reported, give information in writing of the same with the least practicable delay-

(a) in urban local areas, to the executive authority, the Health Officer or a Sanitary Inspector; and
(b) in other areas, to the Health Officer or a Health or Sanitary Inspector.
55. Prohibition of the use of water from suspected source.-

(1) If it appears to the Health Officer that the Water in any tank, well or other place, if used for drinking or any other domestic purpose, is likely to endanger or cause the spread of any infectious disease, he may, by public notice, prohibit the removal or use of the said water, generally or for any specified domestic purpose.

(2) No person shall remove or use any water in respect of which any such notice has been issued, in contravention of the terms thereof.

56. Removal of infected person to hospital.-

(1) If the Health Officer is satisfied that any person is Suffering from an infectious disease, and that such person-

(i) is without proper lodging or accommodation, or
(ii) is lodged in a place occupied by more than one family, or
(iii) is without medical supervision directed to the prevention of the spread of the disease, or
(iv) is in a place where his presence is a danger to the people in the neighborhood; and
(b) should be removed to a hospital or other place at which patients suffering from such disease are received for treatment after taking all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of the patient in transit,

the Health officer may remove such person or cause him to be removed to such hospital or place.

(2) If any Woman, according to Custom, does not appear in public, is removed to any such hospital or place -

(i) the removal shall be effected in such way as to preserve her privacy; and
(ii) Special accommodation in accordance with the custom aforesaid shall be provided

for her in Such hospital or place at the expense of the local authority.

(3) No person shall leave, or be taken away from any hospital or other place referred to in sub-section (1) without the permission of the Medical Officer in charge or of the Health Officer.

(4) whoever

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Gangadharan

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