
From Panchayatwiki

(g) in the event of none of the Inspectors of Steam-boilers being able to inspect the vessel before the date of expiry of the certificate provided the six week's notice has been given, the Senior Inspector of Steam-boilers, Madras, shall intimate to the Executive Engineer that no Inspector is available and the "Executive Engineer will endorse the current certificate extending it until such time as arrangements can be made for the inspection of the boiler. The period of such extension shall not exceed two months.

(h) All licences shall expire at the end of the period for which the certificate of inspection is granted. If the owner wishes to ply his steam vessel beyond the period covered by such certificate, he shall give notice of his desire to do so to the Executive Engineer at least six weeks before the date of the expiry of such certificate.

5. Counterpart of licence and certificate of registration.-

Every canal officer empowered to grant licences and certificate of registration shall retain the counterpart of every licence or certificate of registration granted by him, and shall be responsible that it corresponds to the licence or certificate of which it is a counterpart. When an alteration is made in the licence or the certificate, a corresponding alteration shall be made in the counterpart thereof.

6. Transfer of licence or certificate of registration.-

(1) Every transfer of ownership of a vessel licensed or registered under these rules shall be reported by the owner to the Officer who granted the licence or certificate of registration as the case may be. Such Officer shall, on the application of the owner and the transferee and on receipt of the licence or certificate as the case may be, alter such licence or certificate by substituting the name of the transferee for that of the owner.

(2) A licence or certificate of registration granted for one vessel shall not be transferred to any other vessel.

(3) Every licence or certificate of registration shall be renewed at the station at which it was issued on delivery of the old license or certificate of registration, or on default of such delivery, on payment of a fee of one rupee in addition to the fee payable renewal:

Provided that where the permanent residence of the owner is at, or is changed to, a place outside the jurisdiction of the Officer who granted the licence or certificate of registration the renewal shall be made at the station of the officer within whose jurisdiction the owner resides, on the delivery to such officer of the old licence or certificate of registration and on the production of the vessel for identification and verification of tonnage.

(4) Application for the renewal of a licence or certificate of registration shall not be made by a transferee of the vessel before the procedure prescribed by sub-rule (1) has been complied with.

7. Registered tonnage of steam and motor vessel.-

The rent or registered tonnage of a steam or motor vessel upon which fees are leviable shall be ascertained as follows. The extreme length, the extreme breadth and depth shall be measured in feet and inches and their product shall be divided by 100. The quotient shall be multiplied by 1.02 for vessels of 1,000 cft. capacity or under and by 1.05 for vessels above 1,000 cft. capacity. The produce so obtained shall be the net or registered tonnage of such vessels. The breadth shall be measured as nearly as possible at the centre of the extreme length. The depth shall be measured in a vertical line at the Center of the extreme length from an athwart ship line extended from the upper edge of the upper strake, on both sides, of the vessel, all vessels being considered to be open ones. If the vessel has a fixed inner planking throughout the measurement for depth shall be to the top side of Such planking. If the vessel has no such fixed planking the measurement for depth shall be to the inner side of the outer bottom planking. If the registered tonnage exceeds one ton fractions above half shall he taken as one ton and other fractions rejected.

Note:- The term "inner planking" means planking fixed to the inner side of the ribs following the contour or the shape of the vessel.
8. Registered tonnage of vessels other than steam and motor vessels.-

The gross

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 29/ 05/ 2019 by: Gangadharan

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