
From Panchayatwiki

(c) Enquiry through spot verification, inspection and disposal to be completed within 7 working days;

(d) On completion of the enquiry, immediate steps shall be taken by the concerned authority to redress the grievance within 15 days;

(e) Failure to dispose of a complaint within seven days shall be considered as a contravention as per section 25 of the Act;

(f) In case of a prima facie evidence regarding financial irregularities are noticed after preliminary enquiry of the complaint or of findings in the social audit report, the District Programme Coordinator after obtaining legal advice will ensure that a First Information Report is lodged;

(g) The concerned authority shall be responsible for informing the person or party aggrieved of the conclusion of enquiry and steps being taken for the redressal of his/her grievance, in writing:

(h) The action taken on the complaints received by all agencies shall be placed before the meetings of the intermediate Panchayat and the District Panchayat respectively,

(i) Appeals against the orders of the Gram Panchayat shall be made to the Programme Officer; those against the orders of the Programme Officer shall be made to District Programme Coordinator; those against the District Programme Coordinator shall be made to State Commissioner (NREGS), Divisional Commissioner (NREGS) and State Grievance Redressal Officer.

(j) All Appeals shall be made within forty-five days from the date of the issuance of the order.

(k) All Appeals shall be disposed off within one month.

(l) There shall be a system of escalation of the grievances registered at ward/ GP/Block/ District level if not resolved within 15 days to the next higher level; and monitoring the same "electronically.

30. Ombudsperson: There shall be an Ombudsperson for each District for receiving grievances, enquiring into and passing awards as per guidelines issued.

31. State Government shall coordinate the activities of Programme Officer, District Programme Coordinator, Ombudsmen, Social Audits Units, call centres or help Lines, Vigilance and Monitoring Committees, National Level Monitors, Rozgar Sahayata Kendras and any other entity authorised by the appropriate Government for an effective monitoring of the programme and redressal of grievances.

32. Wherever contravention of the provisions of the Act has been proved after due enquiry by the State Government or the District Programme Coordinator or the Programme Officer or the Ombudsperson or any other authority authorized by the State Government, action in accordance with the provisions of section 25 of the Act shall be taken.

33. The District Programme Coordinator, the programme officer and the Gram Panchayat shall prepare a report annually containing the facts and figures and achievements relating to the implementation of the scheme within his or its jurisdiction and a copy of the same shall be made available to the public on demand on payment of such fee as may be specified in the Scheme.

34. All accounts and records including muster rolls relating to the scheme shall be made available for public Scrutiny free of cost. Any person desirous of obtaining a copy or relevant extracts therefrom may be provided such copies or extracts on demand not later than three working days from the date of receipt of application.

35. There shall be a Capacity Building Plan, Information Education Communication plan and a plan for strengthening Panchayats as a part of the scheme.