Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1174

From Panchayatwiki

or multilayered packaging or plastic sheets or like or covers made of plastic sheets which are not manufactured or labelled or marked in accordance with these rules shall be liable to pay such fines as specified under the bye-laws of the local bodies.

15. Explicit pricing of carry bags.- (1) The shopkeepers and street vendors willing to provide plastic carry bags for dispensing any commodity shall register with local body. The local body shall, within a period of six months from the date of final publication of these rules ion the Official Gazette of India notification of these rules, by notification or an order under their appropriate state statute or byelaws shall make provisions for such registration on payment of plastic waste management fee of minimum rupees forty eight thousand @ rupees four thousand per month. The concerned local body may prescribe higher plastic waste management fee, depending upon the sale capacity. The registered shop keepers shall display at prominent place that plastic carry bags are given on payment.

(2) Only the registered shopkeepers or street vendors shall be eligible to provide plastic carry bags for dispensing the commodities.

(3) The local body shall utilize the amount paid by the customers for the carry bags exclusively for the sustainability of the waste management system within their jurisdictions.

16. State Level Monitoring Committee.-(1) The State government or the union Territory shall, for the purpose of effective monitoring of implementation of these rules, constitute a State Level Advisory Committee consisting of the following persons, namely:

(a) the Secretary, Department of Urban Development Chairman
(b) Director from State Department of Environment Member
(c) Member Secretary from State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee Member
(d) Municipal Commissioner Member
(e) one expert from Local Body Member
(f) one expert from Non-Governmental involved in Waste Management Member
(g) Commissioner, Value Added Tax or his nominee, Member
(h) Sales Tax Commissioner or Officer Member
(i) representative of Plastic Association,Drug Manufacturers Association, Chemical Manufacturers Association Member
(j) one expert from the field of Industry Member
(k) one expert from the field of academic institution Member
(l) Director, Municipal Administration Convener

The State Level Advisory Body shall meet at least once in Six Month and may invite experts, if it considers necessary.

17. Annual reports.- (1) Every person engaged in recycling or processing of plastic waste shall prepare and submit an annual report in Form-IV to the local body concerned under intimation to the concerned State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee by the 30th April, of every year.

(2) Every local body shall prepare and submit an annual report in Form-V to the concerned Secretary-in-charge of the Urban Development Department under intimation to the concerned State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee by the 30th June, every year.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ