Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1170

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f) sachets using plastic material shall not be used for storing, packing or selling gutkha, tobacco and pan masala;

g) recycling of plastic waste shall conform to the Indian Standard: IS 14534:1998 titled as Guidelines for Recycling of Plastics, as amended from time to time;

h) The provision of thickness shall not be applicable to carry bags made up of compostable plastic. Carry bags made from compostable plastics shall conform to the Indian Standard: IS 17088:2008 titled as Specifications for Compostable Plastics, as amended from time to time. The manufacturers or seller of compostable plastic carry bags shall obtain a certificate from the Central Pollution Control Board before marketing or selling; and

i) plastic material, in any form including Vinyl Acetate - Maleic Acid - Vinyl Chloride Copolymer, shall not be used in any package for packaging gutkha, pan masala and tobacco in all forms.

5. Plastic waste management.- (1) The plastic waste management by the urban local bodies in their respective jurisdiction shall be as under:

(a) plastic waste, which can be recycled, shall be channelized to registered plastic waste recycler and recycling of plastic shall conform to the Indian Standard: IS 14534:1998 titled as Guidelines for Recycling of Plastics, as amended from time to time.

(b) local bodies shall encourage the use of plastic waste (preferably the plastic waste which cannot be further recycled) for road construction as per Indian Road Congress guidelines or energy recovery or waste to oil etc. The standards and pollution control norms specified by the prescribed authority for these technologies shall be complied with.

(c) Thermo set plastic waste shall be processed and disposed off as per the guidelines issued from time to time by the Central Pollution Control Board.

(d) The inert from recycling or processing facilities of plastic waste shall be disposed of in compliance with the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2000 or as amended from time to time.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 6. Responsibility of local body.-(1) Every local body shall be responsible for development and setting up of infrastructure for segregation, collection, storage, transportation, processing and disposal of the plastic waste either on its own or by engaging agencies or producers.

(2) The local body shall be responsible for setting up, operationalisation and co-ordination of the waste management system and for performing the associated functions, namely:

(a) Ensuring segregation, collection, storage, transportation, processing and disposal of plastic waste;

(b) ensuring that no damage is caused to the environment during this process;

(c) ensuring channelization of recyclable plastic waste fraction to recyclers;

(d) ensuring processing and disposal on non-recyclable fraction of plastic waste in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board;

(e) creating awareness among all stakeholders about their responsibilities;

(f) engaging civil societies or groups working with waste pickers; and in its

(g) ensuring that open burning of plastic waste does not take place.

(3) The local body for setting up of system for plastic waste management shall seek assistance of producers and such system shall be set up within one year from the date of final publication of these rules in the Official Gazette of India.

(4) The local body to frame bye-laws incorporating the provisions of these rules.