Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1140

From Panchayatwiki

(h) publish guidelines for maintaining buffer zone restricting any residential, commercial or any other construction activity from the outer boundary of the waste processing and disposal facilities for different sizes of facilities handling more than five tons per day of solid waste;

(i) publish guidelines, from time to time, on environmental aspects of processing and disposal of solid waste to enable local bodies to comply with the provisions of these rules; and

(i) provide guidance to States or Union territories on inter-state movement of waste.

15. Duties and responsibilities of local authorities and village Panchayats of census towns and urban agglomerations.- The local authorities and Panchayats shall,

(a) prepare a solid waste management plan as per state policy and strategy on solid waste management within six months from the date of notification of state policy and strategy and submit a copy to respective departments of State Government or Union territory Administration or agency authorised by the State Government or Union territory Administration;

(b) arrange for door to door collection of segregated solid waste from all households including slums and informal settlements, commercial, institutional and other non residential premises. From multi-storage buildings, large commercial complexes, malls, housing complexes, etc., this may be collected from the entry gate or any other designated location;

(c) establish a system to recognise organisations of waste pickers or informal waste collectors and promote and establish a system for integration of these authorised waste-pickers and waste collectors to facilitate their participation in solid waste management including door to door collection of waste;

(d) facilitate formation of Self Help Groups, provide identity cards and thereafter encourage integration in solid waste management including door to door collection of waste;

(e) frame bye-laws incorporating the provisions of these rules within one year from the date of notification of these rules and ensure timely implementation;

(f) prescribe from time to time user fee as deemed appropriate and collect the fee from the waste generators on its own or through authorised agency;

(g) direct waste generators not to litter i.e throw or dispose of any waste such as paper, water bottles, liquor bottles, soft drink canes, tetra packs, fruit peel, wrappers, etc., or burn or burry waste on streets, open public spaces, drains, waste bodies and to segregate the waste at source as prescribed under these rules and hand over the segregated waste to authorised the waste pickers or waste collectors authorised by the local body;

(h) setup material recovery facilities or secondary storage facilities with sufficient space for sorting of recyclable materials to enable informal or authorised waste pickers and waste collectors to separate recyclables from the waste and provide easy access to waste pickers and recyclers for collection of segregated recyclable waste such as paper, plastic, metal, glass, textile from the source of generation or from material recovery facilities; Bins for storage of bio-degradable wastes shall be painted green, those for storage of recyclable wastes shall be printed white and those for storage of other wastes shall be printed black;

(i) establish waste deposition centres for domestic hazardous waste and give direction for waste generators to deposit domestic hazardous wastes at this centre for its safe disposal. Such facility shall be established in a city or town in a manner that one centre is set up for the area of twenty square kilometers or part thereof and notify the timings of receiving domestic hazardous waste at such centres;

(j) ensure safe storage and transportation of the domestic hazardous waste to the hazardous waste disposal facility or as may be directed by the State Pollution Control Board or the Pollution Control Committee;

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ