Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1138

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(d) issue suitable guidelines for maintaining the quality of compost and ratio of use of compost vis-a-vis chemical fertilizers while applying compost to farmland.

9. Duties of the Ministry of Power.— The Ministry of Power through appropriate mechanisms shall, -

(a) decide tariff or charges for the power generated from the waste to energy plants based on solid waste.

(b) compulsory purchase power generated from such waste to energy plants by distribution company.

10. Duties of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources.— The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources through appropriate mechanisms shall,

(a) facilitate infrastructure creation for waste to energy plants; and

(b) provide appropriate subsidy or incentives for such waste to energy plants.

11. Duties of the Secretary-in-charge, Urban Development in the States and Union territories.— The Secretary, Urban Development Department in the State or Union territory through the Commissioner or Director of Municipal Administration or Director of local bodies shall,

(a) prepare a state policy and solid waste management strategy for the state or the union territory in consultation with stakeholders including representative of waste pickers, self help group and similar groups working in the field of waste management consistent with these rules, national policy on solid waste management and national urban sanitation policy of the ministry of urban development, in a period not later than one year from the date of notification of these rules;

(b) while preparing State policy and strategy on solid waste management, lay emphasis on waste reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery and optimum utilisation of various components of solid waste to ensure minimisation of waste going to the landfill and minimise impact of solid waste on human health and environment;

(c) state policies and strategies should acknowledge the primary role played by the informal sector of waste pickers, waste collectors and recycling industry in reducing waste and provide broad guidelines regarding integration of waste picker or informal waste collectors in the waste management system.

(d) ensure implementation of provisions of these rules by all local authorities;

(e) direct the town planning department of the State to ensure that master plan of every city in the State or Union territory provisions for setting up of solid waste processing and disposal facilities except for the cities who are members of common waste processing facility or regional sanitary landfill for a group of cities; and

(f) ensure identification and allocation of suitable land to the local bodies within one year for setting up of processing and disposal facilities for solid wastes and incorporate them in the master plans (land use plan) of the State or as the case may be, cities through metropolitan and district planning committees or town and country planning department;

(h) direct the town planning department of the State and local bodies to ensure that a separate space for segregation, storage, decentralised processing of solid waste is demarcated in the development plan for group housing or commercial, institutional or any other non-residential complex exceeding 200 dwelling or having a plot area exceeding 5,000 square meters;

(i) direct the developers of Special Economic Zone, Industrial Estate, Industrial Park to earmark at least five percent of the total area of the plot or minimum five plots or sheds for recovery and recycling facility.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ