Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1112

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(ii) promoting planned development as envisaged in the plans for the development authority area, through tools like Transfer of Development Rights, accommodation reservation etc.;

(iii) set-up special function agencies, if required, and guide, direct and assist them on matters pertaining to their respective functions;

(iv) co-ordination of implementation of Plans under this Act in the Development Authority area;

(v) perform such other functions as are supplemental, incidental or consequential to items (i) to (iii) above or as may be directed by the Government, the District Planning Committee or the Metropolitan Planning Committee, as the case may be, from time to time

57. Functions of Member Secretary.-(1) Subject to the general powers of the Development Authority and without prejudice to the powers of the Chairman under this Act, the Member Secretary who shall be the Chief Executive of the Development Authority shall have the following functions, namely:

(i) all budgetary, planning, enforcement and supervisory functions of the Development Authority;

(ii) making available to the Development Authority all the information relating to the administration and accounts of the Authority as well as other matters whenever called upon by the Authority to do so;

(iii) preparation and submission of the annual reports and audited accounts of the Development Authority for its approval within three months of the close of every financial year and thereafter submit copies of the same to the Development Authority;

(iv) appointment of the staff of the Development Authority.

(2) If, in the opinion of the Member Secretary, any resolution passed by the Development Authority contravenes any provision of this Act or any other law or any rule, notification, regulation or bve law made or issued under this Act or any other law or any order passed by the State Government or it is prejudicial or detrimental to the interests of the Development Authority, he shall within fifteen days of passing such resolution, refer the matter to the Government and inform the Development Authority at its next meeting of the action taken by him and until the orders of the Government on such reference are received, the Member Secretary of the Development Authority shall not be bound to give effect to the resolution.

58. Staff of Development Authority.— The Development Authority shall appoint such officers and staff in the Development Authority with such terms and conditions of service and salary, as may be prescribed.

59. Transfer of staff, assets and liabilities of the Development Authority.- In case, the Development Authority constituted under this Act ceases to function, the staff, the assets and liabilities of such Authority shall be transferred to the Municipal Corporation, Municipal Council, Town Panchayat or Village Panchayat concerned in the Development Authority area or as decided by the Government.

60. Power of Government to make rules to prescribe functions and powers of General Council, Executive Committee etc.— The Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules prescribing powers and functions of the General Council, Executive Committee and the Member Secretary and on any other matters relating to the functioning of the Development Authority. The term of office and conditions of the service of the non-official members of the Development Authority shall be such as may be prescribed.