Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1110

From Panchayatwiki

51. Constitution of Development Authority.-(1) The Government may, in the interests of planned development in any area, in consultation with the Commission and the Chief Town Planner, by notification in the Gazette, constitute with effect from such date and for such areas as may be specified in the notification, a Development Authority to exercise the powers and to perform the functions under Section 56 of this Act.

(2) The Development Authority shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and immovable and shall by the said name sue and be sued.

52. Chairman of Development Authority.- The Government shall appoint the Chairman of the Development Authority on such terms and conditions of service as may be prescribed, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Government, provided that the term of office of the Chairman shall not in any case exceed five years. 53. Composition of Development Authority.— The Development Authority shall consist of, -

(a) the General Council; and

(b) the Executive Committee.

54. The General Council.— (1) The General Council shall be constituted by the Government and shall consist of the following members, namely:

(a) the Chairman of the Development authority, ex-officio, who shall be the Chairman of the General Council;

(b) not less than two persons nominated by the Government from among the members of the Local Self Government Institutions having jurisdiction in the area for which the Development Authority has been constituted;

(c) the members of the State Legislative Assembly representing any area within the jurisdiction of the Development Authority: Provided that if any member of the State Legislative Assembly representing any area within the jurisdiction of the Development Authority becomes a Minister, he may nominate a person from his constituency to represent him in the General Council.

(d) The Secretary of the Municipal Corporation, if any, the Town Planner of the Town and Country Planning Department of the district concerned, the Executive Engineer (Roads and Bridges) of the Kerala State Public Works Department of the area concerned;

(e) not more than eight other persons nominated by the Government in such manner as may be prescribed;

(f) the Member Secretary of the Development Authority, nominated by the Government who shall be an officer not below the rank of a Senior Town Planner of the Department of Town and Country Planning.

(2) The Government shall prescribe the strength of the General Council which shall not be less than fifteen or more than thirty (excluding the Chairman).

(3) The members nominated under sub-section (1) shall hold office during the pleasure of the Government and their terms and conditions of service shall

be such as may be prescribed: Provided that the term of office of a non-official member so nominated shall not in any case exceed three years: