Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page1106

From Panchayatwiki

Joint Planning Committee shall, —

(a) prepare Execution Plan for their respective local planning areas taking into account the Master Plan for the Joint Planning Area;

(b) implement proposals contained in the Master Plan for the Joint Planning Area under this Act;

(c) promote, regulate and control the developmental activities in their respective local planning areas in accordance with the Master Plan for the Joint Planning Area;

(d) perform any other functions as directed by the Government, the District Planning Committee, or the Metropolitan Planning Committee, as the case may be, from time to time.


44. Power of the Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils, etc. to take up Detailed Town Planning Schemes.- Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the rules made thereunder, a Municipal Corporation, Municipal Council, Town Panchayat or Village Panchayat may undertake development of an area, including regulation of activities in that area, under its jurisdiction, by framing and implementing Detailed Town Planning Schemes, within the frame work of Master Plan, if any, under this Act.

45. Matters that may be dealt within a Detailed Town Planning Scheme.- (1) A Detailed Town Planning Scheme may contain detailed proposals, including but not limited to the following matters, namely:

(a) establishment of new development centres;

(b) establishment of commercial centres, including specialised markets, wholesale and retail trade centres;

(c) establishment of tourist centres and tourism related infrastructure;

(d) establishment of industries, industrial estates, factories, service industries etc.;

(e) development and landscaping of open spaces, recreational grounds, parks, zoological and botanical gardens and social forestry;

(f) conservation of ecologically sensitive areas;

(g) protection of environmentally sensitive areas;

(h) conservation of heritage sites and buildings, objects of historical importance or natural beauty and of buildings actually used for religious purposes;

(i) proposals for natural hazard prone areas;

(j) control of air and water pollution;

(k) housing schemes for different income groups including housing for economically weaker sections of the society, infirmaries, destitutes, women and children in distress, disabled, physically challenged, senior citizens etc.;

(l) redevelopment and renewal of blighted areas;

(m) resettlement, rehabilitation and upgradation of slum areas;

(n) provision of health care, religious, cultural and educational facilities;

(o) provision of water supply and electricity;

(p) provision of sanitary arrangements including construction of drains and public conve