Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0929

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          68. Consolidation of Annual Reports of District Panchayats. On receipt of the Annual Reports from the Secretaries of the District Panchayats, the Director of Panchayats shall prepare a Consolidated Annual Report of the District Panchayats of the State and submit to the Additional Secretary (FM), Local Self Government Department, by 25th November.

          69. Submission of Consolidated Annual Reports to the Principal Secretary. On receipt of the Annual Reports from the Director of Panchayats, the Commissioner for Rural Development and the Director of Urban Affairs the Additional Secretary (FM), Local Self Government Department shall prepare a Consolidated Annual Report of the Local Self Government Institutions of the State and submit to the Principal Secretary, Local Self Government Department, by 5th December

          70. Publishing of Financial Information. (1) The Panchayat shall, as far as possible, disseminate the applicable financial information to each of the various stakeholders like Government and the public at regular intervals.

            (2) The Secretary of the Panchayat shall cause to publish the Monthly Receipts and Payments Statement, Annual Financial Statement and the Annual Report in the Notice Board and Websites of the Panchayat.

            (3) The Panchayat shall, as far as possible, display the status of claims submitted by suppliers and contractors in the website of the Panchayat to facilitate the convenience of the payees.

          71. Preparation of Budget. (1) An Annual Budget shall be prepared on accrual basis, in accordance with the provisions of section 214 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and the guidelines issued by the Government.

            (2) Separate Budget shall be prepared for each Fund. In addition, a consolidated Budget for the Panchayat as whole shall also be prepared.

            (3) The Consolidated Budget Estimate shall be accompanied by subsidiary statements detailed below:

                  (a) Estimate of revenue income;

                  (b) Estimate of revenue expenditure;

                  (c) Estimate of capital Receipts;

                  (d) Estimate of capital expenditure;.

                  (e) Estimate of loans repayment;

                  (f) Estimate of loan and advances;

                  (g) Estimate of deposits and recoveries;

                  (h) Estimate of investments;

          72. Supplemental or revised budget. If expenditure, not provided for in the budget or in excess of the provision in the budget is to be incurred, a supplemental or a revised budget shall be passed by the Panchayat before incurring such expenditure. In case of any expenditure, not provided in the budget was incurred in terms of the provisions of Section 214(5) of the Act, a supplemental or revised budget shall be presented and approved in the next immediate meeting of the Panchayat. The revised budget estimate presented in the month of March, as part of the budget proposals for the succeeding year, shall not constitute the revised budget estimate permitting the incurring of expenditure not provided for in the current year's budget.

          73. Budgetary Control of Expenditure. No expenditure shall be approved for payment unless it is covered by a suitable budget provision. The responsibility of exercising Budgetary Control shall lie with the Secretary, Ex officio Secretaries/Implementing Officers of the Panchayat and also with the Accountant.