Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0921

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          23. Banking of moneys received. The moneys received in cash, money orders, cheques, drafts or in any other form, shall be deposited in the designated Bank Account/Treasury Account on the day of receipt or on the next working day as and when the total receipts exceed Rs. 500/ - In the case of the Panchayats in remote areas as notified by Government such remittance shall be made with in a week.

          24. Accounting of receipts. (1) The Cashier shall prepare a Head of Account wise Statement of Receipts in the prescribed format and submit it to the Accountant.

            (2) The amount received shall be accounted through a Receipt Voucher on the same day based on the Statement of Receipts.

          25. Refunds. Amount of refund of money collected by the Panchayat shall to the extent possible be adjusted against future Receipts. Refunds, if any, shall be made by the Secretary after due authorisation by the President.

          26. Custody of Money. (1) The Cash Balance of the Panchayat shall be deposited in a strong Cash Chest embedded in masonry with double locks of different patterns. The Accountant shall maintain one of the keys and the other key shall be with the Secretary or the Officer entrusted with the handling of Cash.

            (2) It shall be the duty of the Accountant to ensure that the cashier or the officer entrusted with the duty of handling cash remits the cash, cheques and demand drafts on the day of receipt or on the next working day to the Treasury/Bank as the case may be. In the case of the Panchayats in remote areas as notified by Government such remittance shall be made written a week.

            (3) It shall be the duty of the Accountant to get Bank/Treasury statements at the end of each month and confirm that remittances have been fully credited into the Bank/Treasury Account(s). Any discrepancy in remittances shall be reported immediately to the Secretary.



          27. Accrual of expenditure. Every claim against the Panchayat Fund, shall after examination with reference to Work Order/Supply Order/Indent shall be accepted, if it is in order and accrued through a Journal Voucher. Provided that such accrual shall be carried out on a regular basis only in respect of establishment expenditure, and claims pertaining to procurement of goods and services, supported by work order and contractor's bill. Other revenue expenditures shall be accounted on payment and the outstanding accrued only at period ends.

          28. Provision for Expenditure. At the end of each year, a provision shall be made in respect of expenditure already incurred but not paid by the Panchayat. Cut off date for provisioning of bills shall be 30 days prior to the date prescribed for the finalisation of Annual Financial Statements.

          29. Claims against Panchayat fund. (1) Every person having any claim against the Panchayat Fund shall present a written claim with supporting documents like Invoice, etc. to the Panchayat

            (2) A bill shall be prepared by the designated Officer incurring the expenditure and the claimant's claim, with supporting documents, shall be attached thereto.

            (3) All claims, except those pertaining to imprest, shall first be entered in the prescribed records and then distributed to the respective Official.

            (4) The Officer authorised to pass the amount shall verify the claim and record a Pass Order under his hand and seal.