Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0816

From Panchayatwiki

(4) Toilets.-Aminimum of one special water closet shall be provided for the use of persons with disabilities with essential provision of a wash basin at an easily accessible location with proper signages:

Provided that, in the case of such special toilets;
2[(a) they shall be provided at the ground floor for A1, A2, B, C, D, E and F occupancies and at every floor in multiples of three for A2, B, C, D, E, and F occupancies];

(b) minimum size of toilet shall be 1.50m. x 1.75m;

(c) minimum clear opening of the door shall be 90cm. wide and the door shall swing out or be sliding or folding type;

(d) suitable arrangements of vertical/horizontal handrails with 5 cm clearance from the wall shall be provided in the toilet;

(e) The water closet seat shall be 50 cm. above the floor level; (f) at least one sink in each floor shall have a knee room of 70 cm height under the sink;


(g) Locks of such toilet doors shall be of a type that can be opened from outside in case of emergency.

(5) Parking facilities: Surface parking for 2% of the required car parking as per these rules subject to a minimum of one car space, shall be provided near the entrance, exclusively for the persons with disabilities with maximum travel distance of 30 metres from the building entrance. The width of such parking bay shall be minimum of 3.6 metres.

(6) Walks and paths: Walks shall be smooth with hard level surface suitable for walking and wheeling. Avoid grates and manholes in walks. If grates cannot be avoided, then bearing bar shall be perpendicular to the travel path and opening between bars shall not be greater than 12 mm in width. The walkway shall not cross vehicular traffic.

(7) In Group A2 Lodging houses occupancies one room for every 25 rooms or part thereof shall be set apart for the persons with disabilities.

(8) The following Other Special Treatments shall be provided, namely:

(a) All obstructions and projections up to a minimum of 2.1 metre height from the finished floor level shall be avoided;

(b) Recoil doors shall be avoided, wherever there is access to the general public; .

(c) Appropriate signages shall be provided at salient locations for facilitating the persons with disabilities


3[105. High rise building.— For the purpose of this chapter, 'high rise building' means a building having a height of 16 metres or more).

106. Provisions to apply as modified for high rise buildings- In the case of high rise buildings, the provisions in these rules elsewhere shall apply subject to modification in this Chapter.