Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0804

From Panchayatwiki

(c) The Chief Town Planner, Department of Town and Country Planning - Convenor

(d) The District Officer of the Department of Town and Country Planning - Member having jurisdiction over the District concerner

(e) Secretary(s) of the Local Self Government Institution(s) concerned. - Member(s)

(2) The developer shall submit the project report, detailing the demand, feasibility and Environmental Impact Assessment aspects of the project, together with the approval, if necessary, obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India to the Convenor of the committee and the Convenor shall make all arrangements for convening meeting of the committee at the earliest and the committee shall consider and dispose of the project report within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the same.

3) The Convenor shall fix the venue, date and time of the meeting in consultation with the Chairperson and shall be responsible for safe custody of records and communications thereof.

(4) The meeting shall be presided over by the Chairperson or in his absence by a member to be authorised by him.

(5) The quorum of the meeting shall be majority of the total number of members of the committee for the project.

(6) The developer shall also produce before the committee, all required clearances from the State and Central Government agencies concerned.

76C. Provisions for supporting infrastructure.-(1) Adequate provision, shall be made for supporting infrastructure such as water supply, sewerage, solid waste management, power supply etc.

(2) Separate sewage treatment plant and systems for solid waste management shall be provided and maintained by the developer at his cost.

76D. Memorandum of Understanding.-- There shall be a Memorandum of Understanding between the developer and the Secretary of the Local Self Government Institution concerned with adequate provisions for bringing the project into effect.

76E. The F.A.R. permissible for the project.— The F.A.R. permissible for such projects shall be 1.50 times the maximum values stipulated in column (4c) or (5b) as the case may be of Table 2 under rule 35 and in conformity with the notes there under, subject to a maximum of 4 and the fee for the additional F.A.R. shall be as stipulated in Table 2.

76F. Minimum width of access.— The minimum width of access shall be fifteen metres. 76G. Ceiling for Residential use.—Area for residential uses, if any, included in the project shall not exceed 40% of the land area of the project and shall be incidental to the main use(s).

76H. Period for completion.— The project shall be completed within a period of 3 years, if not specified otherwise.]


77. Provisions to apply as modified for construction in certain plots.—(1) In the case of buildings newly proposed or alteration or addition proposed on existing buildings, in plots left after part of the same plot has been surrendered free of cost to the Panchayat or Development Authority or Government Department or Quasi - Government organisation for new road formation or road widening or junction improvement or formation or development of any facility relating to road structure, other provisions in the Kerala Panchayat Building Rules, 2011 shall apply subject to the modification in this Chapter: