Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0789

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Rule 56 THE KERALA PANCHAYAT BUILDINGS RULES, 2011 789 each such occupancy and approval of the Chief Town Planner shall be obtained for the usage of plot and lay-out of buildings with total floor area exceeding 2000 sq.metres under each such occupancy: Provided that, if the area is covered under any Town Planning Scheme, the usage of plot shall conform to the provisions contained in that scheme. (b) In the case of Group B occupancy other than Professional Educational Institutions and Group E occupancy, approval of the District Town Planner shall be obtained for usage of plot and lay-out of buildings with total floor area exceeding @[4000] sq.metres, but upto @@[10000] sq.metres under each such occupancy and approval of the Chief Town Planner shall be obtained for the usage of plot and lay-out of buildings with total floor area exceeding @@[10000] sq.metres: Provided that, if the area is covered under any Town Planning Scheme, the usage of plot shall conform to the provisions contained in that scheme. (2) All buildings upto 10 metres height under educational or medical/hospital or office/ business with more than 300 sq.metres built up area shall have the minimum open (yards) spaces as shown below; (i) Front yard - average 6 metres with minimum 4.5 metres (ii) Side yard – average 2 metres with minimum 1.5 metres (each side) (iii) Rear yard - average 4.5 metres with minimum 2 metres Provided that, where more than one building is proposed to be constructed in one plot it shall suffice if the open spaces in this sub-rules are provided from the plot boundaries with open yards (spaces) between two buildings not less than 2 metres for buildings upto 10 metres height. Provided further that where the height of the building exceeds 10 metres, the open (yards) space from the boundary and that in between buildings shall be increased proportionately at the rate of 0.5 metres for every 3 metres increase in height 70[subject to a maximum of 16 metres]. (3) Every hospital shall possess authorisation from the Kerala State Pollution Control Board under the Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1998 as amended from time to time, for the disposal of bio-medical waste. (4) In the case of buildings exceeding three floors from ground level under educational, medical/hospital or office/business occupancy, a certificate of approval from the Director of Fire Force or an officer authorised by him in this behalf shall be obtained and produced by the applicant before issuing permit. (5) Requirements in respect of fire protection shall conform to Part IV, Fire and Life Safety, National Building Code of India, 2005, Amendment No.3 and shall also be subject to any further condition laid down by the Secretary. (6) Sanitation facilities to be provided shall be computed at the rate of not less than 1 person per 4.75 sq. metres of carpet area of the building and shall be provided in numbers not less than those stipulated in Table 6. NOTES When a dangerous and offensive trade is permitted to start functioning, one of the precondition is that there should not be any residential building within a prescribed distance. But when later on an establishment, house or institution authorised and permissible to be put up comes into existence, it may not be possible for the quarry owner to content that he having been permitted to occupy and exploit his properties, others are automatically subjected to a disability for all time to come.- Joseph v. State of Kerala – 2003 (3) KLT 296. @ Substituted for "3000" by S.R.O. No. 26/2014, w.e.f. 13-1-2014. @@ Substituted for "6000" by S.R.O. No. 26/2014, w.e.f. 13-1-2014. 70. Added by S.R.O. No. 26/2014, w.e.f. 13-1-2014. 119