Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0723

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(2) The elected authorities and officers who participate in official meetings and interviews shall take part in the proceedings of meetings and discussions by respecting the dignity and status of each other.

(3) The views expressed by the officials in the meeting shall be included in the minutes of discussion.

6. Not submissive to influences.- (1) The elected authority or the officer shall not engage in activities which are against law, beyond law, nepotic, giving chance to corruption, contrary to truth or inappropriate to the interest of clean administration and for that the elected authority shall not induce, influence, compel, threat or annoy (against) an officer or vice versa.

(2) An elected authority or an officer shall not use the property; resources or facilities of the Panchayat for making ineligible financial gain to any one and one person shall not influence or utilize the other person for the same purpose. If attempt is made to act against this, the elected authority or the officer, as the case may be, shall not be submissive towards this.

(3) An officer shall not question the political relationship, support, manner of political activity etc., of an elected authority and it shall not influence in the discharge of his duties and the behaviour towards the elected authority.

(4) The elected authorities and officers shall work collectively and impartially for the welfare of the public and shall not show discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, creed (race), colour, sex, politics, region etc.

7. Responsibility of the Action.- (1) The elected authority or the officer, as the case may be, shall be responsible for the decision taken or any action done by the elected authority or the officer. The elected authority or the officer, as the case may be, shall be responsible for the loss and damage caused to the Panchayat or anyone else due to the wrong decision or action. In case if the elected authority, who is responsible for the wrong decision and action and the loss and damages caused due to this, is a Panchayat Committee or any other Committee, each member of that committee shall be jointly liable for such decisions, actions and loss and damage:

Provided that the member who has voted against the decision, the member and the officer who has given lawful dissenting note and the member who was not present in the meeting shall not be liable for the wrong decision and action.

(2) In addition to the members the officer who is responsible to render advice necessary for the Panchayat Committee or any other Committee shall be liable for the wrong decision, action and the loss and damage caused due to the non rendering of such advice without sufficient cause or by rendering wrong advice by such officer.

(3) If it comes to the notice of an elected authority or an Officer that anyone of them has committed a corrupt practice or a wrong action in matters connected with the administration of the Panchayat, he shall have the right to inform it to the authority concerned or the superior officer, as the case may be. Such procedure of informing shall not be considered as the breach of the decent behaviour likely to be among them and shall not influence further interactions.

8. Commitment towards Panchayat and Public.- (1) The elected authority and the officer shall show sense of responsibility in protecting and utilizing the fund, assets and resources of the panchayat as if in the case of self acquired property and shall act accordingly. 

2) The elected authorities and the officers shall work jointly to chalk out and implement programmes giving priority to the economic development and social justice in the panchayat and to attain achievements in conformity with the utilization of wealth.

(3) The elected authorities and the officers shall always behave towards all the people in such a manner so as to express regard to the higher values such as law and order, implementation of justice and transparency and favour towards the qualities such as discipline, regularity, decent behaviour, honesty, nationalism and truthfulness for presenting good administration in the Panchayat.