Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0719

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(b) To require the discovery and production of any document;

(c) To take evidence on affidavit;

(d) To require a public record or its copy from any court or office.

(2) When cases relating to election originates, in such occasions, the Secretary to the Delimitation Commission will have the power to file affidavit before the court.

5. Utilising the service of officers and employees -  For the functioning of the Commission, in accordance with the written direction of the Chairman of the Delimitation Commission, the officers and 

employees of the Commission can utilise the service of the officers and employees of the State Election commission:

Provided that in cases where it deems necessary, the Government can appoint in consultation with the Commission; other officers and employees deem fit from various departments of the Government on deputation.

6. Headquarters of the Commission. — The Headquarters of the Delimitation Commission will be at Thiruvananthapuram. Besides, Commission may conduct sitting at the place decided by the Commission.
7. Quorum of the Commission Meeting .-(1) For the meeting of the Commission, there shall be a quorum of minimum three members including the Chairman.

(2) Decisions of the Commission shall, as far as possible, be unanimous. But if in any case there is difference of opinion, decision shall be taken in accordance with the opinion of the majority.

8. Secretary to the Commission.—  Secretary to the Delimitation Commission shall be an officer not below the rank of a Joint Director of the Panchayat/Municipality.
9. Meeting of the Commission.— Secretary shall give notice of meeting of the Commission to the members at least three days in advance:

Provided that in emergency situations either by giving written notice or otherwise to the members, urgent meeting may be convened as per the direction of the Chairman. The Commission, if it deems fit, can convene the meeting of the Commission at District Headquarters.

10. Guide lines regarding fixing of boundaries.—

The Commission can issued other guide lines regarding fixing of boundary of Local Self Government Institutions.

11. Issuance of draft notification.— 

District Election Authority shall collect information from the concerned Local Self Government Institutions, prepare the instructions and send to the Delimitation Commission and the Commission, after verifying the same, shall issue the draft nidification fixing the boundaries. The said notification shall be published inviting objections and suggestions as instructed under section 10 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and section 69 of the Municipality Act, 1994.

12. Manner of giving objection.— Objection/suggestion submitting before the Kerala Commission shall be given before the secretary to the commission either directly or by registered post. If any document is intended to be produced along with the above, self attested copies of such documents shall also be given. Documents shall not be returned.
13. Summoning for the collection of informations - If the Commission convince that for the disposal of an objection/suggestion received by the Commission, the service of officers of other departments or experts are necessary, in any case, it shall have the power to summon officers of any department under the State Government for collecting informations. The officers concerned are bound to obey the intimations received from the Commission.