Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0705

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(3) The Panchayat shall, simultaneously, while taking a decision to render a service, determine, subject to the provisions of the Act and the rules, the procedure thereof, the quality and the fee leviable thereto if the service is not free of cost for the service.

(4) The services that the Panchayat decides to render time bound shall be those connected with the duties vested in the Panchayat or entrusted with it by the Government under the Act or under any other law.

(5) The services that the various institutions under the control of the Panchayat may render, shall be included in the services that the Panchayat renders time bound.

(6) The time limit that the Panchayat may fix under sub-rule (1) exceed the time limit, if any, that has been fixed under the Act or any other law or any rules for rendering any service.

(7) The Panchayat shall, in the form appended to these rules prepare under the title “Citizens Charter", the details of services that the Panchayat decides to render time bound and shall publish the same in the manner prescribed under Rule 4.

4. Publication of Citizens Charter.—(1) The Citizens Charter that the Panchayat prepares under rule 3 shall, for the information of the public, be published by affixing it on the notice board at the Office of the Panchayat and on other notice boards fixed at public places in the panchayat area and the same shall be printed and distributed free of cost among the public. The panchayat shall give necessary publicity to the Citizens charter so long as it is in existence. The panchayat shall take steps, to make available, copies of the Citizens Charter to those who demand for the same.

(2) The gist of the Citizens Charter published by the panchayat shall be written in paint on a board and exhibited in the panchayat office so that the public may see it.

(3) The Citizens Charter published by the panchayat, shall be read out in the immediately next coming meetings of the Grarna Sabhas.

5. Validity period of the Citizens Charier.— A Citizens Charter prepared and published by a panchayat under rules 3 and 4 respectively shall, subject to revision under rule 9, be in force till the expiry of the term of the said panchayat and thereafter till a Citizens Charter is prepared and published by the newly constituted panchayat

6. Applications for getting the service.- (1) A person who wants to get a service mentioned in the Citizens Charter, shall apply in the form prescribed therefore to the Panchayat Secretary or to the Officer concerned.

(2) The panchayat shall issue the application form free of cost or on realizing the actual cost thereof, to those who are in need of it.

(3) The panchayat shall, in the respective Office arrange an enquiry counter for distributing the application forms, for receiving application and for giving reply to the enquiries in respect of the same.

(4) A serial number shall be assigned to every application for service, received by the Secretary or the Officer concerned and the details such as the name of the applicant, the date of receipt of the application, the request in the application etc. shall be recorded in a register.

(5) Immediately on receipt of an application, an acknowledgement receipt shall be issued to the applicant recording therein the probable date on which, the service may be rendered, the name of the Officer whom the applicant may approach in this regard and other necessary details.

7. Obligation to render Service.- (1) The Panchayat, the Secretary and the Officers concerned thereof who are under the control of the panchayat shall be obliged to render a service referred to in the Citizens Charter to an eligible applicant within the respective time limit and the failure thereto will be treated as delinquency.