Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0648

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(2) If a dog or a pig comes into the possession of a person in any way, after the date specified in the decision of the Panchayat, he shall file an application for licence regarding such dog or pig under sub-rule (1) within one month.

(3) The applicant shall, along with an application under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), produce a certificate obtained from a veterinary surgeon certifying that the dog has been inoculated against rabies.

(4) The Secretary shall, along with the licence, issue a sealed metal token as an indication thereof and the owner shall keep it tied in the neck of the animal.

(5) The owner shall rear the dog or pig for which the licence has been issued in his premises itself and shall not allow it to stray and provisions shall be made in the licence accordingly.

(6) The period of a licence shall be till the end of the respective financial year and the licence shall be got renewed for the succeeding financial year before the expiry of that period by submitting application together with a fee of rupees ten.

(7) The Secretary, shall keep a register containing the detail regarding the issue and renewal of licence.

5. Penalty for rearing dogs and pigs without licence and violating conditions of the licence.- (1) Any person rearing a dog or pig without obtaining a licence or by violating the conditions therein or by allowing it to stray shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend upto two hundred and fifty rupees.

(2) In case the offence mentioned in sub-rule (1) is being continued, he shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend upto fifty rupees for each day of such continuance.

6. Power to destroy stray dogs and pigs.-(1) It shall be the inevitable function of every Village Panchayat to seize and destroy stray dogs and pigs.

(2) The Village Panchayat may employ specially trained persons to seize and destroy stray dogs and pigs and he shall be paid remuneration as may be fixed by the Government from time to time.

(3) Any person obstructing the person authorised by the Village Panchayat to destroy stray dogs and pigs shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend upto five hundred rupees.