Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0643

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(2) If a record relates to a period prior to the current year, the search fees at the rate specified in the first schedule appended to these rules shall be remitted in the respective office along with the application under sub-rule (1).

(3) The fees for copy at the rate specified in the second schedule appended to these rules shall be remitted in the respective office along with the application for the copy of a record or the relevant portion thereof.

(4) In case the search fee or the fee for copy cannot, in advance, be estimated accurately, a fixed amount may be remitted as fee along with the application and if such fixed amount remitted turns to be insufficient, the applicant shall, within the date specified by the Secretary or the Officer concerned, remit the necessary additional amount also and if the fixed amount remitted is found to be in excess, the amount that is in excess of the fee for copy shall be refunded, on record, to the applicant:

Provided that in case there is written request from the departments of Government for copies of extracts of any document, proceedings or relevant portion of any other kind of records of the Panchayat for official purpose, copies shall be prepared and be given without realizing any kind of fees

(5) The Secretary or the Officer concerned shall give to the applicant, a signed receipt for the search fee and the fee for copy remitted by the applicant.

(6) The search fee and the fee for copy remitted by the applicant shall be credited to the Panchayat Fund.

Note:— It is not necessary to submit separate applications for the copy of each record or the relevant portion thereof.] 5. Rejection of application.— (1) The Secretary or the Officer concerned may reject an application for sanction to get the copy of a Panchayat record or the relevant portion thereof or to copy the same on the following grounds:

(a) if the record is not a public document; or, (b) if the record is not forthcoming even after a thorough search; or, (c) if the record has been destroyed on the expiry of the time-limit fixed for its retention; or,