Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0637

From Panchayatwiki

Rule 18 K. P. R. (PUBLIC LATRINES, URINALS, ETC....) RULES, 1998 637 (3) Every Panchayat may make adequate arrangements for the preparation of compost, for the utilisation of solid wastes and the disposal of the same by sale.

(4) Where composting of waste is not found feasible or practicable, sanitary landfill methods may be adopted by the Panchayat for the disposal of the wastes at the landfill sites in the manner as may be specified.

(5) Incineration of wastes shall be resorted to by the concerned institution for the disposal of the infectious wastes eliminated from the hospitals, nursing homes or health care centres and the non-industrial hazardous waste subject to the conditions specified by the Pollution Control Board and the Panchayat from time to time.

(6) The waste from hotels shall be disposed of by such institution itself subject to the guidelines issued by the Panchayat. 16. Provision for processing of solid waste.— The Panchayat may, for the purpose of recycling, treating, processing and disposing of solid wastes or converting such solid wastes into compost or any other matter, construct, acquire, operate, maintain and manage any establishment within or outside the Panchayat area and run it on a commercial basis or may contract out such activity.

17. Special arrangements to be made in places of pilgrimage and festival considering public health.—(1) Where a temple, mosque, church or mutt or any place of religious worship or instruction or any place which is used for holding fairs, festivals or for other like purposes, situated within a Panchayat area or in the neighbourhood attracts large number of persons either, throughout the year or on particular occasions and in cases where the Panchayat makes any special arrangements necessary for public health, safety or convenience whether temporary or permanent under Section 219, the Panchayat shall, after consulting with the trustees or persons having control over such area, decide the reasonable amount of recurring or non-recurring contribution to be made to the Panchayat fund and shall require such trustee or person by a detailed notice to remit such amount to the Panchayat fund.

(2) in cases where temporary arrangements have been made under Section 219, the trustee or the person shall remit the amount which demanded by the Panchayat in the Panchayat fund within 15 days after the receipt of notice. (3) In cases where permanent arrangements have been made under Section 219 the amount shall be remitted in the Panchayat fund within 30 days after the receipt of notice demanding the contribution for the respective half year. (4) If there is default in remitting the amount, the same shall be reported to the District Collector concerned and the District Collector shall recover such amount as an arrear of public revenue due on land from the trustee or person responsible and remit to the Panchayat. 18. Removal of rubbish filth and solid wastes accumulated in non-residential places.-(1) The Panchayat may, if it deems fit, by notice in writing, require the owner or occupier of any premises used as, —

(i) a factory, workshop or place for carrying on any manufacturing process, or

(ii) a market or trade premises, or
(iii) a slaughter house, or
(iv) a hotel, eating house or restaurant, or 
(v) a hospital or a nursing home, or
(vi) a warehouse or godown, or