Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0620

From Panchayatwiki

17. Summary of the work to be placed in the Gramasabha and exhibited in work site.-(1) The details of a work as specified in sub-rule (3) shall be published in the notice board of the Panchayat office and it shall be placed in the next meeting of the Gramasabha or Gramasabhas of the place of work for information.

(2) As per sub-rule (1), in the case of work of Village Panchayat, the Convener of the Gramasabha and in the case of the work of Block Panchayat or District Panchayat, the Panchayat member representing the place of work shall inform the details regarding the work to the Gramasabha:

Provided that, if any member of a District or Block Panchayat is unable to attend the Gramasabha to give details, he can entrust in writing any other member or any officer concerned in this behalf.

(3) A notice containing the summary of the execution of work by the Panchayat shall be exhibited in a conspicuous part of the respective work sites and the notice shall contain essentially the following details, namely:

(i) Name of work;
(ii) Whether the work is executed by contract or by Panchayat directly or by the beneficiary committee;
(iii) Name and address of the Contractor or Convener of the beneficiary committee and the members of the Executive Committee;
(iv) Estimated amount and period; (v) Date of commencement of work and completion of work;
(vi) Description, quality, quantity and price of materials and goods specified in the estimate and from where and by which method they are brought to the work site;
(vii) Tender rate allowed to the contractor;
(viii) Sanctioned market rate, number of labourers used for work, wages, rate etc. in the case of execution of work done directly by the Panchayat or by the beneficiary committee;
(ix) Details of the advance amount and other benefits given for work.

(4) All documents like approved tender, estimate, rate decided by the Panchayat, quality, bills for the purchase of materials and goods etc. of a public work is a public record and the Panchayat is liable to issue the copy of such records on requisition, to any person on realising fixed fees.

18. Observance of procedure in the Government Department.-- Save as otherwise expressly provided in these rules, the rules and methods adopted in the Public Works Department of Government in the matter of preparation of estimates and plans of works, invitation of tender, execution of work, payment for such works, system of accounting etc. shall be followed in respect of execution of public works.

19. Interpretation of rules.—Where any doubt or dispute arises as to the interpretation of these rules, such doubt or dispute shall be referred to the Government whose decision thereon shall be final.

Explanatory Note

(This does not form part of the Notification, but is intended to indicate its general purport.) Clause (xi) of sub-section (2) of Section 254 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994) empowers the Government to make rules regarding the preparation of the plans and estimates for the work of any Panchayat and the power of the said Panchayats and of the officers of the Central or State Government to accord technical administrative sanction to estimates. Government have decided to make rules accordingly. This Notification is intended to achieve this object.