Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0608

From Panchayatwiki

5.Renewal of registration.— (1) The registration of a private hospital or a private paramedical institution registered in a Village Panchayat shall be renewed before the commencement of the next financial year and for such renewal an application shall be made to the Secretary in Form 5 together with a registration renewal fee of fifty rupees.

(2) In the case of a renewal of registration under sub-rule (1), the particulars regarding the same shall be recorded in the register and a registration certificate shall be issued in Form 3.

6. Cancellation of registration.-(1) Where any person who runs a private hospital or a private paramedical institution has violated any of the basic conditions for issuance of the registration certificate, the Secretary may, after giving him an opportunity to submit a representation, cancel the registration certificate and may remove the name of such institution from the register.

(2) The person who runs the institution may file an appeal before the Village Panchayat against the decision of the Secretary under sub-rule (1) within thirty days of the receipt of such order.

7. Collection of annual fee.- (1) If a Village Panchayat is giving any service, such as removal of rubbish and draining of waste water, to a private hospital, that Village Panchayat may levy an amount not exceeding one thousand rupees as fee per year for that purpose from such private hospital.

(2) Annual fee of different rate may be fixed for private hospitals of various standard.

(3) Secretary shall give notice regarding the annual fee proposed to be levied, to the person who runs private hospital and after examining the representation received within the date specified in the notice, and shall fix the fee finally.

(4) Appeal may be filed to the Village Panchayat against the order of Secretary fixing the annual fee, within thirty days after the receipt of that order.

(5) Renewal of registration under Rule 5 shall not be allowed to any private hospital which has defaulted payment of annual fee.

8. Penalty for maintaining and running private hospitals and Private paramedical institutions without registration.— Any person who maintains or runs a private hospital or a private paramedical institution in contravention of the provisions of these rules or without registration, under this rule or continue to maintain or run the same after cancellation of registration shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees and with a further fine which may extend to five hundred rupees for each day during which the offence continued.

[See sub-rule (2) of Rule 3]

1. Name and address of the applicant:

2. Name and address of the private hospital or private paramedical institution proposed to be established:

3.Date proposed to start functioning of the institution:

4. Nature of functioning of the institution:

5. If a hospital, number of beds:

6. (1) Number of doctors

(2) Number of other employees and (category wise) of the institution