Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0576

From Panchayatwiki

(3)Calf .........................


The days of the week in which slaughter is to be done

Place where the existing slaughter house is held and the distance between the two .:

If for the renewal of existing slaughter house, the period from which it is used as slaughter house : (When applied for renewal licence, the licence received in the preceding year of the year renewal shall be enclosed along with the application) :

Date of application :

Signature and name of applicant :

(See Rule 33)

.............................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.... Village Panchayat Licence No........................of.........................

Subject to Section 230 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994) and the Kerala Panchayat Raj (Slaughter houses and Meat stalls) Rules, 1996 Shri ............................................. (Name and address) hereby permitted to conduct a slaughter house in Survey No ................... of ........

Village...........................................Taluk for the period from ....................................... to.........

in consideration of a fee of Rs.....................payable in advance.

This licence shall be in the possession of the licensee who shall produce it whenever required by the President, Vice President, Member of Panchayat, or Secretary or officer authorised by a Magistrate.

The slaughter house shall always be open for inspection by the officers mentioned in para 2 above.

On breach of any of the rules relating to slaughter house and bye-laws, the Panchayat have vested with power for forfeiture of the licence and evict the licensee from there.

Place: Secretary,

Date : ....................... Panchayat

Explanatory Note

(This does not form part of the Notification, but is intended to indicate its general purport.) Section 229 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994) empowers the Grama Panchayat to provide places for use as public slaughter houses and section 230 empowers to grant licence for slaughtering animals within the Grama Panchayat area. Clause (xvi) of subsection (2) of section 254 empowers the Government to make rules to prohibit and to regulate the slaughtering of animals, cutting-up or their skinning at places other than public slaughter houses, to grant licence for those who slaughter animals for sale to the public and to fix the fees for the same. The Government have decided to make rules accordingly. The Notification is intended to achieve the above object.