Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0571

From Panchayatwiki

(2) If for any reason whatsoever, Panchayat decides not to lease out the rent and fees, direct arrangements shall be made by the Panchayat for collecting the rent and fees.

32. Application for private slaughter houses.-

(1) Application for licence to open a new slaughter house to continue to use an existing slaughter house shall be made in Form III to the 14[Panchayat] with an application of fifty rupees which may be remitted in the Panchayat Office.

(2) In the case of an existing slaughter house, the period for which it was in existence shall be specified. The applicant for a licence to open a new slaughter house shall deposit in the Panchayat office such amount as may be required 15[xx] to cover the expenses of publication of the notification in the local news paper. No application for opening a new slaughter house which is not accompanied by such deposit shall not be considered.

(3) On receipt of such deposit, the Panchayat shall publish a notification in one daily newspaper having wide circulation in the area and also in the notice board of the Panchayat, indicating the intention to give a licence for opening of a private slaughter house and giving a period of not more than 30 days for receipt of objections if any to such issue of licence. The objections if any received within the time specified shall also be taken into consideration before deciding upon the issue of licence.

(4) The application presented to the 16[Panchayats] shall also contain the following particulars, namely:

(i) plan and sketch of the building to be constructed;

(ii) particulars of water supply available. 17[(5) Secretary shall submit to the Panchayat for decision the application received as per sub-rule (1), objection received as per sub-rule (3), plan, sketch and particulars of the building received as per sub-rule (4), and the report of equity made thereon.]

33. Licence to be issued on payment of fees.-

When an order to grant a licence is 18[taken by the Panchayat] under sub-section (2) of Section 230 of the Act, the applicant shall pay the amount of licence fee to the Secretary and on receipt of such fees, a licence in Form No. IV shall be issued by the Secretary.

34. Period of Licence.-

Every licence granted under these rules shall expire at the end of the financial year in which the licence has been granted unless the period of licence is specified in the licence as expiring on a date earlier than the end of the financial year in which case the period of the licence shall expire accordingly.

35. Rate of licence fee.—

Licence fee for an existing slaughter house shall be fixed at twenty per cent of the gross income of the slaughter house for the year immediately preceding subject to a minimum of five hundred rupees. In the case of new slaughter house the minimum licence fee shall be three hundred rupees.

36. Maintenance of account by the licensee. —

For every amount received by licensee in the slaughter house, receipts shall be given and proper accounts and registers shall be maintained. Such receipt books and registers shall be open for inspection by the Secretary or other officer authorised by him. A statement showing receipts and charges relating to the slaughter house for the previous year (or for the period of full twelve months preceding the date of application of licence) shall accompany every application for renewal of licence.