Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0558

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making a proper request for entry to execute distress, open or break open any outer or inner door or window or other obstruction in such building or cause the same to be done between sunrise and sunset: Provided that such officer shall not enter or break open the door of any room apportioned for the use of women until three hours, notice of his intention has been given and an opportunity has been given to such women to withdraw.

18. Procedure for seizure of property. The officer conferred with the duty to execute a warrant shall, before making the distraint, demand the remittance of the tax due and the warrant fee. If the tax and fee are remitted no distraint shall be made, but where the tax or fee is not remitted, the officer shall,

(a) seize the movable property of the defaulter as he may think necessary;

(b) make an inventory of the property seized in the presence of two witnesses; and

(c) give to the person in possession of the property seized, at the time of the seizure, a copy of the inventory and sale notice in Form No.2 appended to these rules;

Provided that a period of seven days shall be allowed for remitting the amount due and redeeming the property seized.

19. Distress not to be excessive.— The cost of the properties distrained shall, as far as possible, be equal to the sum total amount of the tax due from the defaulter together with all expenses that may be incurred on account of the warrant, distraint, keeping in safe custody and sale.

20. Sale of property distrained.- (1) If the amount due from the defaulter on account of tax, warrant fee, distraint fee and the expenses incurred on account of the safe custody of properties are not remitted within the period of seven days mentioned in the notice given under Rule 18 and if the distraint warrant is not suspended by the Secretary, the properties seized or a sufficient portion thereof shall be sold by public auction under the orders of the Secretary who shall apply the proceeds of the sale for the payment of the amount due on account of the tax, the warrant fee, the distraint fee and the expenses incurred on account of the detention and sale of property and shall return any property or sum which remains after the application of the sale proceeds as aforesaid to the person in whose possession the property was at the time of seizure. If the proceeds of the sale are insufficient for the payment of the amount due on account of the tax, the warrant fee and distraint fee and the expenses incurred on account of the detention and sale of the property, the Secretary may again proceed under Rule 15 in respect of the sum remaining unpaid.i s

(2) The Secretary may sell the properties seized at any time before the expiry of the said period of seven days if the properties seized are subject to speedy and natural decay and the amount due is not paid soon.

(3) The distrainor shall, if the defaulter agrees to remit the arrears for the realisation of which the property has been distrained, together with incidental expenses, before the date of sale, receive the amount, issue receipt and release the property forthwith. 21. Secretary to consider objections - The Secretary shall consider any objection submitted within the said period of seven days regarding the distraint made and may postpone the sale pending investigation thereof. If the Secretary decides that the property attached should not have been distrained, he shall return it or if it has already been sold out, give the amount obtained out of the sale to the person found to be entitled thereto. The Secretary may, if he is convinced that the first defaulter wilfully permitted the distraint of the property when it was not liable to such