Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0542

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(3) The Village Panchayat shall, as soon as may be after the receipt of the application, within 45 days in the case of obtaining no objection certificate from other establishments and within 30 days in other cases, (a) grant the permission applied for either absolutely or subject to such condition as it thinks fit to impose, or te (b) refuse permission, if it is of the opinion that such construction or establishment is objectionable by reason of high density of population in the neighbourhood or that it is likely to cause nuisance; or (c) where the application has not been disposed of within the specified time, licence shall be deemed to have been issued; or (d) the Secretary shall, in the case of factories, industrial establishments etc. with machinery having capacity of less than 5 horse power and not causing pollution after accepting the fee for licence, without the no objection certificate of another establishments or the special permission of the Village Panchayat, issue licence. com (4) Appeal against the decision of the Village Panchayat may be submitted before the *[Tribunal constituted under Section 271S] and the Village Panchayat is liable to implement the decision thereon. (5) Before granting permission under sub-rule (3), the Village Panchayat shall, (a) if the factory, workshop, workplace or the land comes within the purview of the Factories Act, 1948, obtain the approval of the Inspector of Factories appointed under the said Act, having jurisdiction over the Village Panchayat area or if there is more than one such Inspector, of the Inspector, designated by the Government in this behalf by general or special order as regards the plan of the factory, workshop, workplace or premises with reference to, (i) the adequacy of the provision for ventilation and light (ii) the sufficiency of the height and dimensions of the rooms and doors; (iii) the suitability of the exits to be used in case of fire; anden (iv) such other matters as may be prescribed by the Government: Provided that no approval of the Inspector of Factories is necessary if there is the approval of the Green Channel Counter in respect of the light structure of the room and the utility thereof. (b) consult and take into consideration, the opinion of the Officer authorised in this behalf, as regards the suitability of the site of the factory, workplace or the land for the purpose specified in the application; and (c) in respect of matters that may be specified by the Government by general or special order consult with the Divisional Fire Officer the precautionary measures to be taken against outbreak of fire. (6) A worker may be employed on any day in a factory, workshop, workplace or on land coming under the purview of the Factories Act, 1948 only after obtaining the permission granted under sub-rule (3) authorising such employment or after submitting application before the Village Panchayat for fresh permission authorising such employment. Before granting such permission the Panchayat shall obtain the approval of the Inspector of Factories mentioned in Clause (a) of sub-rule (5) in respect of the matters specified therein as regards the plan of the factory, workshop, workplace or the land. (7) The grant of permission under this section,