Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0516

From Panchayatwiki

Note:— The minimum amenities to be provided shall be shelter for passengers, vehicles and animals, drinking water facilities and urinal.

(2) Fee shall be levied, for a single halt at a public halting place or landing place, subject to the minimum and maximum rates specified below, namely:

minimum Rs maximum Rs
Motor boat or steam launch 3 6
Steam or motor tug 4 10
Cabin boat 1 2
Vessels with capacity of one tonne or less 1 2 1 2
Vessels with capacity of above one tonne and upto five tonnes 1 2
Vessels with capacity of above 5 tonnes and upto ten tonnes 4 6
Vessels with capacity of above 10 tonnes 8 12
raft 1 2
Timber and fire wood upto 20 tonnes 8 12
Timber and firewood above 20 tonnes for every additional tonn 1 2

Explanation. — 'Single halt' means a halt at the landing place for loading and unloading purpose at a time.

(3) Fee to be levied for storing goods in the space allotted in public landing places shall be as follows: —

For storing of goods in 100 sq. feet space for one day 5 5
2. (a) Rent for a single room per day 25
(b) Rent for a double room per day 40
3. For stay in public landing place for one day 5

Explanation.— 'Stay' means halt by a vessels or boat for more time than what is actually required for loading or unloading at a time.

10. Procedure in case of non-remittance of fee.—

The officer authorised to collect the fee with respect to any vehicle or animal under these rules read with clause (a) of Section 227 may, if any person does not remit such fee on demand, seize and detain such portion of the goods or load in the vehicle, or over the animal attached to such vehicle, which in his opinion is sufficient to defray the amount due. The officer may if such vehicle or animal does not have such portion of goods or load or such portion of goods or load is not sufficient to defray the amount due, seize or detain the vehicle or animal.

11. Property seized to be sent to the secretary and the secretary to give notice thereof to the owner

. All properties seized under Rule 10 shall be sent within twenty four hours to the Secretary or to the person authorised by the secretary to receive and sell such property and the secretary shall forthwith give notice to the owner of the property seized or, if the owner is not known or the whereabouts of such person is not known or such person is not a