Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0510

From Panchayatwiki
8. Context where travelling allowance not entitled.-

(1) Travelling allowance shall not be entitled for a journey conducted from a place within a distance of eight kilometres from the headquarters of the Panchayat or to such place and for a journey which has not been approved by the Panchayat

(2) Travelling allowance shall not be entitled for a journey from more than one Panchayat at the same time

(3) If the President or Vice-President or Member conducts a journey outside the State without the previous sanction of the Government, travelling shall not be entitled for such journey:

- Provided that previous sanction of the Government need not be obtained for the journey conducted in connection with the business of Panchayat by the President, Vice-President or Member of Panchayats in the border of the State for the journey to a place just outside the border of the State. 23[(4) The travelling allowance of the Representatives of People of Panchayat shall be fixed as per the Kerala Service Rules and the monthly quarterly ceiling stipulated by the Government shall be applicable:

9. Scrutiny of travelling allowance bills.

— The amount of travelling allowance of every Member, Vice-President and Chairman of Standing Committee shall be paid only after the bill is scrutinised and passed by the President in accordance with these rules.