Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0503

From Panchayatwiki

4. Powers and functions of the Working Committees. — (1) It shall be the function of the Working Committee concerned to take decision on matters affecting the Panchayat in each subject and to submit the same for consideration of the Panchayat.

(2)A Working Committee may require the Secretary to furnish records in his possession relating to the subject of that Committee. (3)The nominated members of the Working Committee shall be eligible for sitting allowance and travelling allowance as admissible to Panchayat members.

5. Procedure for the meeting of Working Committees. — (1) The Chairman shall convene the meeting of the Working Committee once in every three months and as may be necessary during the interim period and give notice to the members intimating the venue, date and time of the meeting atleast seven days before the date of meeting and affix a copy of the said notice in the notice board of the Panchayat.

(2)The quorum of the Working Committee shall be one half of the total number of its members. (3)The Chairman of the Working Committee shall preside over its meetings and in the absence of the Chairman, a member of Panchayat elected from among the members present shall preside over the meeting. (4)The Secretary shall, in consultation with the Chairman, prepare the agenda for the meeting by including the items to be discussed in the meeting and shall read it over to the members at the beginning of the meeting. (5)The Secretary or the officer authorised by him for the purpose shall prepare the proceedings of the meeting and the Chairman shall submit for the consideration of the Panchayat, the general and unanimous suggestions and the resolutions passed by majority.

6. Constitution of Joint Committee. —

(1) A Panchayat may, alone with one or more Panchayats constitute a Joint Committee for any purpose for which they are jointly responsible.

(2) A Joint Committee constituted under sub-rule (I) shall consist of, —

(a)President of the Village Panchayat and not exceeding two members nominated by majority opinion of the members present in the Panchayat meeting;

(b)President of the Block Panchayat and not exceeding two members nominated by majority opinion of the members present in the Panchayat meeting; and

(c)President of the District Panchayat and not exceeding four members nominated by majority opinion of the members present in the Panchayat meeting.

(3)A Joint Committee, may co-opt non members of Panchayat, having in its opinion special qualifications for service in that committee:Provided that number of members so co-opted shall not exceed one half of the total number of members of that committee.

Filling up of vacancies in the Joint Committee. — Vacancies arising in the Joint Committee shall be filled up by nomination under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (3) of Rule 6, as the case may be.

8.Chairman of Joint Committee. — Chairman of the Joint Committee shall be fixed in the manner specified below: —

(a)In case the Joint Committee is constituted with Panchayats at the same level jointly, the President of the Panchayat suggesting such constitution;