Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0501

From Panchayatwiki

30. Custody of records. - The minutes and records of the Panchayat and other

Committees shall be under the custody of the Secretary.


[See sub-rule (2) of Rule 15]

(Notice regarding the intention to move no-confidence motion in the *President/Vice-

President/ of …………………*Village Panchayat/Block Panchayat/District Panchayat.




(Official name and address of empowered officer)


We, the following undersigned elected members of the......................................*Village Panchayat/Block Panchayat/District Panchayat hereby give notice of intention to move motion of no-confidence in *Shri/Smt................................the*President/VicePresident/...................................… of this Panchayat. The sanctioned strength of the Panchayat is ..........................................................A copy of the motion intended to be moved is enclosed herewith.

Name of member Signature






(To be filled by the empowered officer)

This notice is handed over to me directly of.....................(month).....................(year) by Shri/Smt..........................., one of the elected members of the Panchayat.

Signature of the empowered officer

  • Strike out whichever is not applicable.

Explanatory Note

(This does not form part of the Notification, but is intended to indicate its general purpose.) Government have decided to make rules prescribing, the form of notice for moving no-confidence in the President, Vice-President and Standing Committee Chairman of a Panchayat, under Section 157; the procedure for moving resolution in a Panchayat Committee and for asking questions to the president regarding matters coming under the administrative power of the President, under Section 158 and the maximum interval which may gave between two consecutive Panchayat meetings, the time, place and quorum of such meetings, the procedure for convening and conducting of such meeting, under Section 161 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994). This Notification is intended to achieve the above purpose.